Holistic Health For Life

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 23 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

Omega 3 Fatty Acids: What are They Really?

The physician who knows only medicine, knows not even medicine. Omega-3s are fatty acids that help build other fats in the body. They derive their name from their chemical structure -- the omega end of the molecule has its first double bond in the 3 position. Know what that means? Do you really care what that means? Isnt fat just fat?

Scientists have found that historically the Eskimos of Greenland have enjoyed exceptional heart health despite a diet very high in fat. After some research, it was discovered that the primary source of the fat in their diet came from sea mammals, which contain high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids.

Research has uncovered a many beneficial health effects of these types of fats. They are essential for the proper development of nerves, eyes and brains in growing children. They protect against dying from a heart attack. And they have been studied for their beneficial effects on inflammatory diseases (see Dr Barry Sears Books on Omega 3 and inflamation) such as arthritis, lupus and asthma.

Three major types of omega-3 fatty acids exist. Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) is in plant foods such as flaxseed, walnuts and canola oils.

Eicosapentaenoic acid, or EPA, and docosahexaenoic acid, or DHA, are found in fish and algae, especially in fatty fish such as salmon, trout and herring.

Human milk contains all three types of omega-3 fats: ALA, DHA and EPA. (DHA is the main type needed for brain, eye and nerve development.)

The American Heart Association recommends healthy people eat omega-3 fatty acids from fish and plant sources to protect their hearts. Have you heard of this miracle?

Scientific Evidence Reveals a Diet Rich in Long-Chain Omega-3 Fatty Acids Helps Support

A Healthy Brain

A Healthy Heart

A Healthy Immune System

Healthy Joint Movement

Healthy Kidneys

Balanced Mood and Sense of Well Being

Strength and Stamina

And Helps Maintain Cholesterol Levels that are Already within the Normal Ra! nge*

Your grandmother probably used fish oil in the form of cod-liver oil, which is rich in vitamins A and D. It was used to prevent rickets (a disease resulting in weak bones that is caused by a deficiency of those vitamins). Even though cod-liver oil is one of the most disgusting foods known to man, taking it daily was a given in many households. It turns out the reason that cod-liver oil was so beneficial was not because of those vitamins, but because of its high levels of the long-chain, omega-3 fatty acids called EPA and DHA.

EPA is a key factor for controlling insulin levels, and DHA is essential to maintain and rebuild your brain. So, Grandmother was doing an excellent job in promoting health in your parents.

Equally important, many neurological conditions such as depression, multiple sclerosis, and attention deficit disorders are linked to low levels of DHA in the diet; supplementation with fish oils rich in DHA often show dramatic improvement within a few weeks.

Dr. Barry Sears is a research scientist and creator of the world famous Zone Diet. His most recent book, The OmegaRx Zone - The Miracle of the New High-Dose Fish Oil, is the culmination of 20 years of research on the benefits of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids contained in fish oil. In fact, Dr. Sears pioneered the development of pharmaceutical-grade fish oil, a highly refined nutritional supplement rich in DHA and EPA. This work continues his life long dedication to using diet to help people maintain their state of wellness.

Author Bio: My name is Ruth Bird, and I am the owner of 3 dogs, 2 are Registered Therapy Visiting Dogs, my third dog is blind. My passions are health for people and pets and promoting a happy, healthy and wealthy lifestyle. Omega 3 has become one of my favorite topics.


วันศุกร์ที่ 21 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

Sleep Apnea Dealing With This Common Sleep Disorder

One of the most well-known sleep disorders, sleep apnea is a fairly common condition. Marked by interruptions in breathing during sleep, sleep apnea causes the person suffering from this condition to wake up, or partially wake, several times during the night. Because of the frequency of these interruptions in breathing, a person with sleep apnea will have trouble getting a restful night?s sleep, causing them to feel the effects of sleep deprivation during their waking hours.

Two types of sleep apnea have been diagnosed: obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and central sleep apnea. OSA is caused by the soft palate becoming so relaxed that it actually blocks off the breathing passageway, while central sleep apnea is caused by the brain relaxing to the point that it does not remind the body to breathe. While both types can cause interruptions to breathing on their own, most people with sleep apnea actually have mixed apnea, which is a combination of both forms.

Sleep apnea is sometimes difficult to diagnose, simply because it only strikes while the person is asleep and won?t notice that it is happening. Because most people with sleep apnea awake only partially ? not fully ? so they do not actually notice that they have had their sleep cycle interrupted. Thus, if someone wants to determine if they have sleep apnea, they will have to look for the symptoms.

The most common symptom of sleep apnea is excessive sleepiness upon waking. Because the sleep cycle is being interrupted, the person is not refreshed during the night and will wake up feeling lethargic, fatigued, or even feel like they need to go back to bed for another round of sleep. Also, people with sleep apnea almost always snore; often very loudly. However, a person does not necessarily have to show these symptoms to have sleep apnea. In fact, a bed partner may be the only person to notice the interruptions in breathing during the night.

Additionally, people with sleep apnea are often overweight to obese, so treatment usu! ally inv olves helping people to lose weight. Treatment can also include eliminating alcohol or other substances that help people relax, quitting smoking, using special pillows or other appliances that help keep the airways open, or even special apparatus that uses air pressure to keep the airways open. This last form of treatment, continuous pressure airway pressure (CPAP), uses a breathing mask to pressurize the airways and inflate them, almost like a balloon. Though this form of treatment is more than a little disconcerting at first, they quickly get used to the mask and find that they feel much more alert in the morning.

Sleep apnea is very difficult for a person to self-diagnose but, once the problem is found, there are treatments available. But for people who are overweight and have large necks, smoke, use sedatives or muscle relaxers, or just drink too much alcohol, lifestyle changes would be the best place to start either keeping sleep apnea away or treating it before it becomes a major health concern. After all, not breathing is a problem whenever it happens. So by treating sleep apnea now, sufferers can keep performing the one act they need to perform every day and every night.

Sleep HQ http://sleephq.com/ your guide to sleep apnea and getting a good night's sleep.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 20 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

Indigestion with Acid

General indigestion is typically caused by eating too quickly, especially when the food is high in fat. Indigestion can be felt as a burning sensation in the upper portion of the stomach, general nausea, bloated, heartburn, and among others a bitter taste can result in the month from stomach acid that is coming up into the esophagus. The most commong way to relieve indigestion is to take indigestion tablets, that battle to neutralize the extra acid, so that the indigestion can be eliminated.

Acid indigestion on the other hand, is similar to 'general indigestion' above, however it involves an excess of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. if Acid indigestion is experienced frequently it can wear on the duodenum and the lining of the stomach, both which are aggravating and can lead to conditions such as ulcers, which can be life threatening. It is important to know that acid indigestion is different from heartburn, which is the aggravation more specifically of the esophagus.

Acid indigestion is most commonly attributed to eating foods that have too much fat in them, but can also be do to too much spice, or an excess intake of caffeine or alcohol, smoking, overeating, or simply just eating too late in the evening (like right before going to bed).

Antacids can help to relieve the problem short term, however, it is known that a dependence can develop on these over the counter remedies, and isn't recommended as a long term solution. Be smart with your dietrary habits as your life is depending on you!

Feel free to reprint this article as long as you keep the article, this caption and author biography in tact with all hyperlinks.

Ryan Fyfe is the owner and operator of Indigestion Area - http://www.indigestion-area.com, which is the best site on the internet for all indigestion related information.

วันเสาร์ที่ 15 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

The Hypocritical Oath

(With apologies to Patch Adams and any other medical practitioner who actually puts patient care before any other consideration.)

Many medical practitioners have sworn the Hippocratic oath since it was first proposed by Hippocrates, known as the father of modern medicine. Since that time, the oath has been changed by different societies to accommodate changing times, and, today, not all teaching schools require new doctors to swear to this oath. Below is an examination of one of the variants.

Para 1: I swear to fulfill, to the best of my ability and judgment, this covenant:

Fair enough, but do they really know what they are swearing to? Do you?

Para 2: I will respect the hard-won scientific gains of those physicians in whose steps I walk, and gladly share such knowledge as is mine with those who are to follow.

??in whose steps I walk,? that?s the problem. The medical industry is build brick upon brick of so called scientific evidence produced by individuals who claim advances in medical science. Well, it?s about time that it suffered from a double whammy Katrina/Wilma hurricane of Category 5+ magnitude. That?s what it?s going to take to get them to realize that the American Medical Association and the scientific method does not have all the answers and that the very basis of their scientific method is Herbalism, a practice the AMA seeks to step on.

As for sharing their knowledge, this is definitely a patchy affair. Some do, if they can get a research grant to enable them to write a paper for publication in a scientific journal. But, if a doctor working for a drug house produces scientific evidence for the efficacy of another approach or a less expensive drug, they can?t get their work published. Their over-riding need is to stay employed by the company whose principal goal is to find new ways of producing specialist drugs sold at exorbitant prices to increase their profits. Worse, these researchers have to sign secrecy contracts before they can be employ! ed.

< p>Para 3: I will apply, for the benefit of the sick, all measures which are required, avoiding those twin traps of overtreatment and therapeutic nihilism.

Ignoring the fact that the statement itself is grammatically incorrect (what else might they do in such a slipshod manner?), let us look at over-treatment and therapeutic nihilism: many children have been subjected to this phenomenon by doctor?s ignorance of a child?s condition. For example, epilepsy can be easily cured by naturopathic methods as practiced at John Hopkins School of Medicine and yet doctors throughout the world still prescribe drugs with horrendous side effects that do absolutely no good at all, i.e. they are therapeutically nihilistic and to use them is to over treat a condition for which there is a simple remedy.

The same applies to the treatment of gallstones. Gallstones are formed in the liver and only become apparent when they have moved into the gallbladder, becoming sufficiently calcified as to show up on X-Ray. There is a simply herbal remedy used for thousands of years that can relieve the problem in 24 hours painlessly and cheaply without surgical intervention. To subject patients to surgery is decidedly therapeutic nihilism in the extreme.

Para 4: I will remember that there is art to medicine as well as science, and that warmth, sympathy, and understanding may outweigh the surgeon's knife or the chemist's drug.

Doctors practicing modern medicine in America are taught that medicine is a science. Whatever part of their education is dedicated to ?warmth, sympathy, and understanding,? we have no idea, but it is patently obvious, if only from the limited amount of time a doctor gives each patient, that these three qualities are not practiced in the majority of cases. When did your doctor last give you the warmth of a hug of sympathy, or show any true understanding of how you are feeling?

Para 5: I will not be ashamed to say I know not, nor will I fail to call in my colleagues when the skills ! of anoth er are needed for a patient's recovery.

The danger in this statement is that when a doctor does not know what a patient is suffering from, he rarely says so, frequently prescribing treatments for assumed conditions that the patient does not have. His alternative is applied by sending the patient to a specialist. If this isn?t passing the buck, what is? The problem then becomes the specialist, and we?ve known plenty of those who don?t have the answers either. Ask any rheumatologist, ?What causes the disease?? ?Aha,? he will confess, ?We really don?t know??

Para 6: I will respect the privacy of my patients, for their problems are not disclosed to me that the world may know. Most especially must I tread with care in matters of life and death. If it is given me to save a life, all thanks. But it may also be within my power to take a life; this awesome responsibility must be faced with great humbleness and awareness of my own frailty. Above all, I must not play at God.

?? play at God!? Now this does bring a smile to the face and a chuckle to the throat. The moment you step into a doctor?s office and ask his assistance, you are asking him to take responsibility for your health care. You, in that moment, are asking him to ?play at God?. Since when did a doctor acknowledge your own culpability and your own responsibility for your health? At that moment, all he/she can do is offer you drug therapy or surgery. As a member of the American Medical Association and the laws this organization has brought about, they can do nothing else. If this is not playing God, what is?

When you do accept responsibility for your own healthcare, does your doctor cooperate with you? Unlikely! When we have explained to our doctors that we don't want a particular drug, or have requested something that has helped us in the past, we have been turned down. Another example of the doctor playing God! We know our bodies and how they respond to medication, our doctors? do not and any treatment offered (! albeit w ith the best of intentions) may not be appropriate for our bodies ? or yours. What happened to freedom of choice, a God-given right?

Para 7: I will remember that I do not treat a fever chart, a cancerous growth, but a sick human being, whose illness may affect the person's family and economic stability. My responsibility includes these related problems, if I am to care adequately for the sick.

In America, health care is a business of massive proportions backed by the drug houses whose major interest is increasing the profits of shareholders. It does not matter what effect any medical treatment offered has on a ?person's family and economic stability?. Expensive tests will be performed regardless of whether they are needed or not due to the physicians? greater fear of being sued for damages. Medications will be prescribed, treatments recommended, all of which the patient, despite their familial and financial circumstances, will be expected to fund. Very few doctors under this regime take responsibility for such matters. If the treatment kills the patient, what then! It?s a well-known fact that doctors bury their mistakes, or, if they are discovered, get sued for millions of dollars thus increasing the cost of healthcare to the patient. Between them, the doctors and lawyers fleece the poor. Under these circumstances, can doctors really claim they ?care adequately for the sick??

Para 8: I will prevent disease whenever I can, for prevention is preferable to cure.

Prevention is certainly better for the individual, but two factors are important here. Firstly, the patient goes to the doctor for treatment when they have become ill. The doctor does not prevent illness in his patient because he only becomes activated after the fact, not before. There are no provisions in America for any doctor to ensure that his patients do not become sick in the first place. Secondly, most medications the doctor prescribes do not prevent disease. Many, have side effects that cause other dise! ases, an d can even cause death.

Para 9: I will remember that I remain a member of society, with special obligations to all my fellow human beings, those sound of mind and body as well as the infirm.

If we remember rightly, the majority of doctors earn significantly more money than the majority of people in their society. It has always been a prestigious profession from a financial perspective. Can anyone point us to a doctor who goes out of his way to ensure that his patients can prevent themselves from becoming ill, or a doctor who makes financial sacrifices of his own for the infirm? What ?special obligations? are being referred to here? Can anyone tell us?

Para 10: If I do not violate this oath, may I enjoy life and art, respected while I live and remembered with affection thereafter. May I always act so as to preserve the finest traditions of my calling and may I long experience the joy of healing those who seek my help.

We think you would agree that the majority of doctors enjoy their lives and practice very little art in the diagnosis and treatment of disease whether they do or do not violate the Hippocratic oath.

We submit that the respect doctors receive is out of the fear their patients have of them, rather than for the treatment received.

??respect?? Now why should we respect someone who has a mind so shut that they actually go out of their way to deprive people of homeopathy, naturopathy, Herbalism, etc. Nope! They don?t deserve respect ? they do deserve derision.

??remembered with affection?? What a joke. We don?t think most patients know their physicians well enough to remember them at all given the amount of time their doctor allows them.

A very uplifting last statement to the final clause of the Hippocratic oath, but who do these people think they are kidding? The finest traditions of their calling died long ago. The AMA and the drug houses rule practicing medical professionals! They have no minds or wills of their own in the practice o! f modern medicine. We suspect many of them realize this after they have been in practice for several years. As for the use of the expression ?joy of healing?, we are staggered beyond belief at such arrogance. They heal no one; they simply help the individual?s body to heal itself. Now what could be more hypocritical than that?

The Hippocratic oath is the most hypocritical oath any doctor could take. Not only does it need updating, it needs to take into consideration all other medical practices that are in use today that DO bring relief to the suffering of millions without drugs or surgery. The original meaning, as postulated by Hippocrates, has become meaningless and we?re certain that he?s turning in his grave at what has happened to medical practice, certainly in the last sixty years.

BJ Day and Russ Miles are authors who often challenge conventional mistaken, if even widely accepted beliefs.

BJ Day retired from an active business life to take up writing as a retirment career a few years ago. BJ has recently been invited by Durban House Publishers to sign a three book deal as a writer of note. Expect to see BJ in print soon.

Russ Miles is author of the novel, For Sale By Owners:FSBO. A ?Seasoned Real Estate NAR? Broker,? disabled by Multiple Sclerosis, Russ writes books & articles on varied subjects. FOR SALE BY OWNERS:FSBO ISBN 0-595-28703-4,in trade paperback, is available by phone or Internet:1-800-Authors to order direct! Adobe e-book & hard cover editions also available at Amazon.com at Barnes and Noble and other fine booksellers.

What do you think? Questions, criticisms or comments can be addressed to bjjayd@gmail.com. For other items and Issues of interest, please visit http://MilesBooks.com

วันศุกร์ที่ 7 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

Traditional Herbal Uses for Goldenseal

Native to the damp woodland areas of the Northeast, goldenseal is one of the top selling medicinal herbs in the North America. Known botanically as Hydrastis canadensis, goldenseal has a long history of use as a medicinal plant. Native Peoples throughout the area recognized the healing potential of this unassuming-looking herb and used it extensively.

Traditional Medical Uses for Goldenseal

Native Americans used goldenseal both medicinally and non-medicinally. The best known non-medicinal use for goldenseal was as a fabric dye.

The Cherokee used goldenseal for inflammation, as a cancer treatment, and to treat digestive problems. The Iroquois used goldenseal to treat diarrhea, to bring down fevers and to treat ear and eye infections.

Other problems treated with goldenseal included whooping cough, heart disease and mouth sores.

Goldenseal Today

By the mid-1800s, goldenseal had become so popular that wild populations of this small perennial began to decline dramatically. In 1997 goldenseal was place on the Endangered Species list and gathering the herb on public lands became illegal. Today, because of continuing demand, many goldenseal products are adulterations using goldenseal leaves instead of the vastly more valuable roots.

Today's herbalists understand that goldenseal is poisonous in large doses so they use the herb sparingly--mainly for its anti-microbial properties. A handful of studies have shown goldenseal to be an effective antibacterial and anti-parasitic. Herbalists prescribe goldenseal to treat bacterial infections, tapeworm infestations, bacteria-caused diarrhea and more.

Current Research

Both of goldenseal's active constituents, berberine and hydrastine, appear to strengthen the circulatory system and berberine has shown significant antispasmodic properties. Additional studies seem to indicate that goldenseal may someday prove effective in the fight against cancer. Berberine has been shown to be toxic to some types of cance! r cells.

Other unproven herbal uses for goldenseal include using it as an immune stimulant, a natural antibiotic and as a digestive tonic.

Lisa Barger is a traditional naturopath specializing in natural health education. To learn more about Ms. Barger's belief in Empowerment through Education or to take a free online natural health class see her website, http://www.LisaBarger.com

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 6 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

Medical Billing Doctors

Medical billing doctors play a significant role in medical billing business. Many medical professionals run medical insurance billing services as a side business.

Medical billing doctor's is a profession that combines the job of a doctor and a medical insurance billing professional. Even though, healthcare industry is well established in America, most healthcare providers, especially doctors, have no idea about how to make quick money. Furthermore, health maintenance organization (HMO) and many other insurance companies have reduced remuneration rates to healthcare professionals, and as a result, many doctors have to search for new revenue sources such as medical billing and seeing patients in large volume. They consider medical billing as a convenient means to get paid more. Medical billing doctors offer you services such as claims management, patient billing, receivables management, electronic processing, payroll management services, and receivables management.

As medical insurance billing professionals, doctors also carry some responsibilities. They have to check and send the patient's claim form out to the medical insurance company, and make sure that all the information is correct.

Medical billing doctors need to be well informed on various medical insurance plans, which help them treat their patients according to the best insurance plan. As a medical billing agent, a doctor has to play a more active role in office administration. Doctor's electronic billing services and many online medical billing services assist them in easy processing of patient claims. Lots of medical billing software packages assists doctors in creating patient statements, reprint overdue claims and statistical practice management reports, and electronic billing claims within seconds.

Medical Billing provides detailed information on Medical Billing, Medical Billing Software, Medical Billing Services, Medical Billing Jobs and more. Medical Billing is affiliated with Medical Coding Certification.

วันพุธที่ 5 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

Unearth the Weight Loss Values in an Egg

At the University of Illinois, a new research found that eating high quality protein such as protein found in eggs can help weight loss. An essential amino acid leucine reduces muscle tissue loss, promotes body fat loss and stabilizes blood glucose levels. Two groups of women aged 45 to 57 were put on a 1700 calorie weight loss diets. The first group ate high protein breakfast which had eggs, low fat diary products and lean meat. And the second group had high carbohydrate breakfast. Women who ate rich protein diet showed more weight loss than those on a rich carbohydrate meal. This research finding will help people who are battling with obesity, type2 diabetes, heart disease and other chronic diseases.

Have Egg, stay healthy

Many say no to eggs fearing heart problems while some others think staying away from eggs promote their well being. Eggs are one of nature?s most nutritious and versatile foods. Moderate egg consumption should be an integral part of anti-aging diet. Egg contains 200mg cholesterol. Cholesterol is not a fat. It is a waxy, fat like substance needed for maintaining bodily functions. Egg whites are cholesterol free and fat free. And eggs contain the highest quality of proteins you can buy. It is low in sodium and has essential vitamins and minerals. Its amino acids strengthen the body. The American Heart association now recommends an egg a day for healthy living.

More than one egg a day is unhealthy. Egg proteins can also cause allergies in some people. Eggs contain sulfur which can strain your liver and kidneys. The yolk of a single large egg contains 215mg of cholesterol; more than two thirds of the recommended daily value of 300mg. An egg a day can fit in fine if cholesterol from other sources like meat, poultry and diary products is limited.

Barbara Camie
Agriculture Organic Food Specialist
Weight Loss Managment Group

วันอังคารที่ 4 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

Pubic Lice Crabs

What are pubic lice crabs?

Pubic lice, often referred to as ?crabs,? are small six-legged parasitic insects. Although most often they are found in the genital area of humans, they can also be found in armpits, mustache, beard, eyebrows, or eyelashes. They are found all over the world, and infection is quite common.

Adult female lice lay eggs (called nits), which are attached to hair shafts. The eggs, which are oval shaped and yellow or white, hatch in about 7-10 days. Newly hatched louse are called nymphs. The nymphs mature into adult lice in about 7 days. Adults live for about 30 days, and feed on human blood. If a louse falls off and cannot feed, it will die within 1-2 days.

How are pubic lice crabs spread?

Pubic lice are generally sexually transmitted. They can also be transmitted through physical contact with a contaminated object, such as a toilet seat, sheet or pillow case. They are most often found in adolescents, but can affect anyone of any age.

What are the signs and symptoms?

?Itching, especially in the pubic hair region. The itching is usually worse at night.
?Eggs (nits) or actual adult lice are usually visable.
?Genital lesions can occur due to the bites.
?Lesions can become infected from excessive itching.

How are pubic lice crabs diagnosed?

Pubic lice are diagnosed by examining the external genital region where the infestation is suspected. A trained medical professional will examine the pubic hair for nits, nymphs, or adults. It can be difficult to find nymph or adult lice since there are usually only a few of them, and they move very quickly away from any light. If moving lice cannot seen, then finding nits (gray-white oval eggs) will confirm that the person is infested and needs treatment. Many people try to self-diagnosis. If you are unsure, it is best to have a doctor examine you.

Prevention of pubic lice

You must avoid sexual activity with infected individuals. If you are sexually active, ! use a co ndom, and practice safe sex. Avoid trying on bathing suits when shopping, or wear your underwear under the bathing suit. Good personal hygiene is always helpful.

Pubic lice treatment.

If you acquire pubic lice crabs, get treatment immediately. This will prevent others from contacting it from you. There are many over the counter treatments that are effective against lice. You can ask your pharmacist for specific recommendations.

All linens and clothing should be washed in hot water. All items that cannot be washed should be put in sealed plastic bags for 2 weeks, then opened outdoors. All members of the immediate family, and any other intimate contacts, should be examined for infestation.

Fortunately, pubic lice are easy to kill and eliminate. Usually one treatment will eliminate the problem.

This article was written by Scott Mogul, editor for Healthy Skin Guide . For additional information on pubic lice treatment, please visit http://www.healthy-skin-guide.com

วันจันทร์ที่ 3 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

Is Stomach Acid Troubling You?

The body is a very complex machine. Unfortunately, more often than not, it is taken for granted. While so much is done to fulfill ?the inner desire?, the physical structure is exploited beyond exhaustion with overeating, drugs, alcohol and utter neglect. No wonder, the world is in a state of chaos with over weight and lethargic people increasing in number.

Humans are a greedy bunch! Every human is lead by temptation to over indulge in things that should be done in moderation. And topping the list is overeating.
Gluttony is a worldwide phenomenon and the proof of which can be seen in countless overweight and obese people doing the rounds.

While overeating is a problem, a graver problem, however, is the abundance of unhealthy food and beverages that we all seem to love so much. Thanks to countless fast-food joints and restaurants, eating unhealthy food has become a norm. And with such habits in place, stomach ulcers, heart burn, irregular bowel movements and other stomach ailments will remain a predominant part of everyone?s lives.

Today, every impulsive eater has gone through his share of stomach cramps because of excess acid secretion. At this moment, over-the-counter antacids are a favorite. Pop one in and the problem disappears. But with time, the problem gets graver and the pill stops doing it job, the result ? unhealthy bowel movements.

Pills aside, this problem can only be corrected by eating healthy and in moderation. The trick is to eat six small meals rather than three large ones a day. Also avoiding excessive fat, caffeine and alcohol go a long way in reducing stomach problems.

But it is not as easy as it sounds. Like they say, ?Bad habits die hard.? Therefore, when self motivation fails, Bentyl comes in.

Bentyl (dicyclomine) is an anticholinergic. It prevents spasms in the muscles of the gut and bladder by relaxing them, and reduces the amount of stomach acid produced. So, next time you have overeaten again, make sure you are carr! ying Ben tyl with you. Cheap Bentyl is available online, so buy Bentyl today.

Come to think of it, it is a predisposition of human behavior to indulge in harmful things that later become the cause of discomfort and illness. Only if people stopped this epicurean onslaught, things would have been much better. The sad thing is, it is only when things go way too wrong that regret and wisdom start seeping in the consciousness. And by that time, it is often very late. Don?t let that happen with you. Get smart now!

Anjlina Croft is an associated editor to the website http://www.prescriptionsfirst.com. It?s a online pharmacy company. It is committed to provide visitors with complete information on weight loss, men's health, sexual health, and online prescription drugs like Cialis, Phentermine, Tamiflu, Influenza and Levitra by latest news, personal views, and articles on erectile dysfunction related topics. Your feedback & comments will be highly appreciated at anjlinacroft@gmail.com.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 2 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

The Benefits of Wheatgrass

People are beginning to realize the importance of eating healthier and the positive benefits that are derived from a healthy diet. The benefits are many and studies have shown that individuals who eat foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals suffer less health problems and can even live longer lives.

People are beginning to realize the importance of eating healthier and the positive benefits that are derived from a healthy diet. The benefits are many and studies have shown that individuals who eat foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals suffer less health problems and can even live longer lives.

One of the very latest health trends is healthy drinks and ranking very high in that category is wheatgrass. The name itself may not sound very appealing but there's no denying that the benefits of wheatgrass are hard to ignore.

Probably the most heralded benefits of wheatgrass it is believed to be a cancer fighting agent. Many people strongly believe that the benefits of wheatgrass on cancer are real and that consuming wheatgrass can help in the treatment and even in the prevention of cancer. Cancer, along with heart disease are our biggest killers so anything that aids in preventing them is seen as a positive.

Another benefit of consuming wheatgrass is that it lowers blood pressure. There are many medications regularly prescribed to individuals who have high blood pressure. Many medications can have unpleasant side effects and one of the benefits of wheatgrass is that there are no side effects because of the fact that wheatgrass is completely natural. This is a great alternative for those individuals that suffer from high blood pressure.

We dress is also very effective in helping an individual's digestive system and can be seen as an effective and flushing toxins from the system.

A definite negative of wheatgrass is the taste. Truth be told, it really doesn't taste good at all. Many people don?t find the taste of wheatgrass appealing and even though it?s co! nsumed i n small doses, it can be a struggle to take it. But you can get around this by adding wheatgrass to another, more pleasant tasting drink to make it more appealing. There are several nutritional drink companies that offer wheatgrass as an ingredient in a smoothie. The benefits of wheatgrass in this form are that the taste is disguised and you have a much easier time ingesting it. Another thing to keep in mind is the one you drink wheatgrass you do it in small doses.

There are some cosmetic benefits of wheatgrass. It is also believed that wheatgrass actually retards or slows the graying of hair. And of course with our youth crazed culture this is definitely a desirable that.

It can also be seen as an effective fighter of tooth decay. Your teeth are the focal point of your smile and when they sparkle and shine you are presenting your best self to the world.

The benefits of wheatgrass are many and really the only negative does it taste, but that's not the worst thing in the world as it? Although it should never be seen as a substitute for a balanced diet, the benefits of wheatgrass consumption can go a long way in offering you greater health.

Morgan Hamilton offers his findings and insights regarding the world of health and beauty. You can get interesting and informative information here at Benefits of Wheatgrass

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HeadachesHome Remedies and Lifestyle Changes That Work

Americans spend more than $4 billion each year on over-the-counter pain relief for headaches, says Rita Mullin at healthdiscovery.com. Migraine sufferers alone lose more than 157 million workdays to headache and related symptoms each year and other garden-variety headaches are responsible for another 2.8 million lost workdays. Time lost from work and resulting medical expenses due to headaches are estimated to cost American industry $50 billion each year.

Not to mention the pain and suffering.

Yet often simple lifestyle and habit changes can make a difference in the frequency and severity of headaches. Here are several things you can try with very little effort or expense:

Get enough sleep. Sleep deprivation is common, affecting perhaps a quarter of the adult population. The ability to survive on little sleep seems to be a skill that elevates us to superhuman status; yet the fact remains that humans need a certain amount of sleep to function properly. How much is enough may vary somewhat from individual to individual, but most experts agree that adults need at least seven hours per night. Sleep less, and you will suffer.

Control your stress factors. This is a big enough topic for an entire book, but just being aware of how you react to stressors in your life may help you avoid headaches. Even the facial expressions you habitually wear can make a difference; for example, frowning and clenching your teeth can definitely cause headaches. When you're under stress, be aware of your breathing. Are you hyperventilating or holding your breath? Practice breathing slowly and deeply.

Experiment with your diet. Some foods can trigger migraines. Migraine sufferers might benefit from avoiding aged cheeses, such as Brie, Gruyere, and cheddar; alcohol; and black tea. So can many food additives, such as MSG. Coffee--because it contains caffeine, a vasoconstrictor--can relieve a headache; conversely, suddenly stopping or cutting back on caffeine consumption can cause a headache. And don't ! skip mea ls--that can trigger a headache.

Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water, and remember that caffeine is a diuretic; the more caffeinated beverages you drink, the more water you will need to replace the fluids. Also note that drinking alcohol is doubly harmful, for besides being a direct cause of headaches, it is also a diuretic. So are sugary drinks. Stick with water as much as possible.

Keep your feet warm. This is obviously more of an issue in the winter. Keeping your feet well covered with socks and closed shoes will draw blood away from your head to your feet, thus relieving the blood pressure in your head. At night, cover your feet with plenty of layers at the foot of your bed; you might consider wearing socks to bed.

Use heat and cold to your advantage. When the headaches starts, applying an ice pack to your head (on the top of your head or your forehead) can provide quick relief. If that sounds too uncomfortable, soaking your feet in hot water can have the same effect; some people have had success with soaking their feet alternately in hot and cold water. Try applying a heating pad to your neck. Finally, try taking a hot bath.

Check your lighting. This too is more of an issue in winter, with its short days and indirect light. It's worse for people who work in windowless buildings, unwittingly subjecting themselves to concentrated doses of artificial light. If this is your situation, spend as much time as you can outdoors, especially in the middle of the day, or at least indoors near a window. Finally, if you have any fluorescent lights in your home or workplace, do your best to replace them all with full-spectrum lights, available in a wide variety of fixture styles.

Try massage and/or biofeedback. A massage can relieve stress by relaxing the muscles in your neck and other parts of your body. Biofeedback also can be effective in preventing and relieving headaches by changing and controlling the body's vital functions such as temperature, muscle tension, and blood flow. I! n therma l biofeedback, commonly used for migraines, relaxation techniques are used to increase blood flow to the extremities.

In some cases, prescription medications and, as a last resort, surgery may provide the only relief. Only your healthcare provider can say for sure. Yet these eight fairly simple and do-able tips are definitely worth a try. They may save you your share of that $54 billion spent on pain relievers and lost productivity each year.

? Lisa J. Lehr 2006

Lisa J. Lehr is a freelance writer and Internet marketer specializing in direct response and marketing collateral. She holds a biology degree and has worked in a variety of fields, including the pharmaceutical industry and teaching, and has a particular interest in health, pets, and conservative issues.
Please visit her blog at http://hopeforheadaches.blogspot.com
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