Holistic Health For Life

วันอังคารที่ 30 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

Asthma: A Respiratory Tract Infection

Asthma is a disease which affects the respiratory system of the human organism. Asthma makes the airways more constrained and makes it more narrowed down through certain symptoms like wheezing, lack of proper breath, tightness of the chest and coughing, prolonged termination of breath, fast heart beat, chest inflation etc. Asthma is generally caused due to environmental pollution. Asthma reduces and constricts the airways as a result of which the patient suffers from normal way of breathing. The term ?Asthma?? is usually a Greek word which means ?sharp breath.?

The symptoms of asthma can sometimes range from mild to severe life threatening. Moreover, it is to be estimated here that the symptoms of asthma can be solely controlled through the use of certain drugs and through changes in the life style. Asthma is generally caused by inflammation of breathing or the bronchial tubes which is present in the lungs. The most common cause of asthma is environmental pollution. Exposure to the environment of cotton and flour dust, smoke, smoke and to a wide range of chemicals further increases the risk of asthma. Generally, the most common symptom which is associated with asthma can be felt with the tightness sensation in the chest.

Asthma can be of two types. One is extrinsic and the other is intrinsic. Extrinsic is considered as the most common form of asthma which is usually caused due to allergies and also due to the use of certain allergens to diagnose the allergies. This form of asthma is very much prone during the early stage of one?s development which gradually gets reduced with the advancement of the age. The other form of asthma which is known as the intrinsic asthma can be traced out through certain infections in the respiratory tract.

Asthma as it is a chronic disease can be to a certain extent overcome through proper means of exercises. Sports like swimming can to a great extent help in overcoming asthma. This sport helps in exfoliating the humidity in the atmosphere and helps in o! verall t oning of the body. Besides swimming, activities like long walks in the morning as well in the evening helps in reducing the effects of asthma. Along with these activities biking, cycling, skiing helps effectively in the process of inhaling the air. Along with them, football, basketball, golfing, wrestling, gymnastics etc all works quite effective in overcoming asthma.

All asthma patients need proper treatment and medical attention so that the intensity of the disease gets mild and also if possible are diagnosed forever and thus enable the patient to lead a healthy life.

Farzina Naznin has been greatly associated with sites like http://www.healthcenterassociation.com/, http://www.healthcentreworld.com/, and http://www.fitnessgoodhealth.net/ for writing articles. Her articles will help the readers to understand various health related concepts.

A Muscle Building Tip That May Work Wonders

Maybe you want to build up your muscles for your health, or maybe you just want to look good - there's nothing wrong with that. Whatever your reason, there's a right way and a wrong way to go about it. The truth is, any kind of mass building program is beneficial to your heart as well as to your muscles. But if you're trying to build up your muscles, there are particular muscle building workouts that are designed specifically to help you.

In order to increase the size of muscle, the muscle must be stimulated. One way of providing the stimulation your muscles need is to exercise so your muscles will grow in size.A muscle building tip that has helped many to attain their goal is to begin training with free weights. Strength and resistance exercise will also help by motivating your muscles to develop.

A workout routine of lifting weights combined with strength training exercises will begin to gradually bulk up your muscles. Muscle building workouts done on a regular basis will not only develop muscle mass but will add to your overall health. If you are a beginner, you will want to start out with lighter free weights and slowly increase the amount of weight you lift and the number of repetitions you perform.

Free weight training along with strength and resistance training will gradually help your body develop muscle. You can use this muscle building tip to your advantage if you remember that Rome wasn't built in a day, and your muscles won't be built in a day either. Building muscle is a slow process, but perseverance is the keyword to success. Anyone who has gone through the process of building up their muscles will confirm that they have been discouraged by the apparent lack of progress, but eventually they reached and maintained their goal.

Mass building workouts along with strength training will further enhance your chances of success in building muscle. Bench presses, pull-ups, push-ups, squats, and/or other exercises that target specific muscles are very effective in building! muscle. It is important that you rest in between muscle building workouts to allow your muscles time to recover.

Whether you are a beginner or a pro, one common occurrence while doing muscle building routines is the possibility of muscle spasms. A muscle spasm occurs when a voluntary muscle (those you can control)bunches up and tightens. Muscle spasms can occur for several reasons or no reason at all, with the result being a painful muscle contraction, or muscle spasm. Muscle spasms can sometimes be relieved by resting the muscle, massaging it or by moving around. The best way to avoid these painful spasms is to do proper warm-up exercises, and let your muscles rest in between workouts. If you want to be successful in your efforts to build muscle mass, it is important to follow these and other muscle building tips when you begin your muscle building routine.

Michael is a former skinny guy who gained over 20 lbs of muscle. He attributes most of his success to the information about how to build muscle he learned from http://www.fastmusclegain.com

วันจันทร์ที่ 29 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

Tibetan Medicine Defying Time

Tibetan medicine is a centuries-old hallowed traditional medical system. This is a fairly complex approach to diagnosis and utilizes behavior and dietary modification, natural medicines and physical therapies to treat illnesses. Since Tibet is a border country, Tibetan medicine is a synthesis of the Indian (Ayurveda), Persian (Unani), Chinese, Greek and Tibetan medical systems. Tibetan medicine is practiced in a wide belt of the world including countries like India, Nepal, Bhutan, Ladakh, Siberia, China and Mongolia, in addition to Tibet. More recently, Tibetan medicine has also started seeping into the West, invading parts of Europe and America.

Since Tibet is the land of monasteries, monks and meditation, it is inevitable that Tibetan medicine is a fusion of the scientific with the religious. It embraces the traditional Buddhist belief that illness of the body is caused by the poisons in the mind, namely ignorance, aggression and materialism.

Tibetan medicine is an art, science and philosophy that encompasses a holistic approach to health care. It is an art because its diagnostic methods are based on creativity, subtlety, insight and compassion of the medical practitioner. It is a science because it has a systematic and logical framework that is based on the study of the body and its relationship with the environment. It is a philosophy because it embraces the Buddhist principles of altruism, ethics and karma.

According to the underlying Buddhist philosophy that shapes Tibetan medicine, all suffering has a reason. According to the Buddha, impermanence is the only permanent feature of life. Everything in this world is in a state of flux. This is a reality and a necessity of life. This state of constant change brings with it suffering and it is this suffering that is inflicted on man from time to time. Thus suffering is not accidental. One can avoid suffering only through proper guidance and the rigorous following of one?s Karma.

According to Tibetan Medicine, everything in the! univers e is made of 5 elements ? Earth, water, fire, air and space. And each of these elements has a specific influence on man. Tibetan medicine also believes that there are 3 principle energies or humors in the body. These principle energies are responsible for the mental, physical and spiritual activities of the body. In a healthy body, all the elements are in proper equilibrium. Where there is non-equilibrium, a state of disorder or ill-health arises.

Diagnosis in Tibetan medicine is fairly straightforward. Doctors depend on observation, interrogation and touch. Visual observation includes checking the color of the skin, texture and color of the nails, blood, sputum and faeces. The patient?s tongue and urine also gives important clues. The next step is pulse analysis where the physician places three middle fingers on the patient?s radial arteries. Medical interrogation leads the practitioner to important clues regarding the causative factors, site of the illness and symptoms that the patient is experiencing.

Tibetan medicine places a lot of importance on dietary and lifestyle factors. The immediate reason for most disorders is improper diet or lifestyle. Therefore the first step of the treatment is to change the lifestyle and diet of the patient. Only if this fails, medication is used.

Bloodletting, Moxibustion, golden-needle therapy and Tibetan acupuncture are some of the therapeutic measures taken. Medicinal baths and natural spring baths are also important parts of therapy.

Alternative Holistic Medicine

Are You An Experimental Lab Rat?

At the age of 17, I was diagnosed with high blood pressure. My doctor couldn?t hardly believe it. That was back in 1975. I wasn?t fat, in fact I was almost pure muscle. I was hyper and couldn?t stay still. I had to be doing something all the time. I felt like I was just like anyone else.

According to the blood pressure reading, I was an odd ball. My doctor told me it?s unusual for a 17 year old to have high blood pressure. However, he didn?t just start writing prescriptions then. I told him I was very nervous around doctors and maybe that was what the deal was. I told him that I haven?t eaten all day either. He suggested that I go eat and come back.

Once I got back, instead of instantly putting on the blood pressure cuff, he decided to talk to me a little. I figured he was trying to get me to relax. Well, it worked! My blood pressure was actually lower than normal.

Two years later, I decide to enlist to United States Marine Corp. During my examination, my blood pressure reading was high. Same thing happened, I was told to go eat and come back. I passed the examination with flying colors or should I say numbers.

Three years later, I decided to drive a truck cross country. I had to pass a ?D.O.T.? examination. ?Basically a physical.? Again, my blood pressure was high and instead of the doctor listening to my back ground of what has happened before, he started writing a prescription for ?Inderol?.

Oh yes, I was placed on drugs for high blood pressure at age 22. They finally got me. I am now part of the ?legal druggies of America?.

My doctor did not tell me that I would have side affects to the drug. It apparently didn?t matter to him. I suppose side affects can also be treated which most of my experience now tell me that this happens a lot.

The next time I went to see this doctor was around 2 weeks later. The nurse instantly grabs the blood pressure cuff and starts pumping away. After she takes the reading, she acts like it?s suppose to! be some sort of secret. She doesn?t tell me what it was or anything. She hardly even spoke to me. I bet she hated her job. At this point I felt like a lab rat. The feeling got stronger when the doctor came in and told me the results.

The first thing the doctor does is look at the chart. He reads the blood pressure reading and tells me he?s going to up the medicine. This routine went on for about 3 months till I was taking enough drugs to kill a small child. I believe I was taking ?160 mg or inderol?, ?80 mg of Inderide? and ?40 mg of elevil?.

I may add that even after taking all these drugs, the blood pressure reading was still elevated while in the doctors office. I told the doctor that I bought me a blood pressure cuff of my own. I felt like I was taking drugs for no reason. I complained about my sexual inadequacies. I also thought after previous complaints that I?d better shut up because this doctor was not about to take drugs away. He was real good about subscribing them.

This kind of makes you wonder why we have a drug problem in America. I don?t see any problem at all. If you don?t want to take drugs, your doctor is going to insist on it. Maybe the problem is the lack of revenue to the pharmacies if you take illegal drugs. The way I see it if you want a drug, go to the doctor.

Well, I took those stupid drugs for about 7 years and stopped taking them on my own at the age of 29. I knew for a fact that my blood pressure readings were low. But needless to say, the doctor was real mad.

First he stated that I should never ever stop a drug without consulting a doctor first. Second, he said that the drug dose I was taking were leathal doses and had to be stopped gradually. Third, he made me feel stupid by telling me that he should take me over to the hospital and show me a victim of ?Stroke?.

Well, enough of that. I quit going to that doctor. I wrote a letter to another doctor in town before making the appointment and told my story. I also told him that ! when I c ome in, he needs to spend some time to talk with me. I have no desire to take drugs since I am convinced that my blood pressure is normal when away from doctors. (Most of these doctors did not know what White Coat Hypertension was.)

Stopping those drugs instantly like that really had no affect on me. I monitored my own blood pressure. I suppose some doctors believe they are the only ones that can take a blood pressure reading. I took mine so often, I could tell you what part of the day it?s the highest. The only thing the doctor knew was it was high while in the office. Did they listen? This doctor did and diagnosed me as having anxiety problems.

For two weeks, he decided to try me on ?VALIUM? to conclude his diagnoses. When it was proven that my blood pressure readings were low with the ?Valium?, he took me off of it and told me that we needed to find the root of my problems. He had no intentions of keeping me on ?Valium?.

Shortly after my diagnosis, that old doctor died. I wasn?t going to take a chance and start all over, I lived with my anxiety problem till 2001. No drugs of any kind was taken during that 13 year stretch.

In my forties, it is necessary to see a doctor now and then. I was diagnosed with high blood pressure again. Back to the drawing board as one could say. I took the drugs for a while and decided to go back and monitor my own blood pressure again.

Right before I go into the doctors office, I would write down my blood pressure. It was just about perfect according to statistics. It read 117 over 77 or so. When the doctor took it, it was quite a bit higher. I tried to explain. I can see that most doctors ignore what you say. They have their own conclusions and they believe they know you after taking 2 readings.

Last year, I stopped the blood pressure pills again. My readings are about 121 over 70 to 78.

It may be time for the world to start educating them selves more. A blood pressure reading is a mere symptom. If you trea! t the sy mptom, you are still faced with the problem. It?s been said that there are lots of reasons for high blood pressure. Most doctors fail to try and find that reason. It?s far easier to give a pill and send you on your way.

I believe drugs killed my mother and they will eventually kill me.

I wonder what doctors mean when they say the person dies of natural causes! At what age would be considered natural to die at?

I was told that my mother died of heart failure. She took a handful of pills prescribed by doctors. I still wonder to this day why she died at 50? Who came up with what a normal blood pressure reading is?

Please forgive me if you don?t agree with me. Everything I write is of my own experience and opinions. I don?t ever want you to think that what I do is okay for you to do. This article is for your own entertainment. I am not a doctor, scientist or a medical expert. I am just another experimental lab rat.

Randall Stafford

Copyright 2005 RS Marketing News

Since childhood, Randall Stafford has been involved in Health Programs in a round about way. In his own diagnosis, it appeared that his blood pressure went up with his weight. To maintain proper blood pressure readings, and to keep the weight off, Randall has been promoting health sites that do not use any form of drugs. If you too want to lose weight, go get a free book at http://www.starmotivators.com

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 28 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

What are the Best Natural Cures for Acid Reflux?

Acid reflux is quite a serious condition that must not be overlooked. Many people experience heartburn from time to time, but those suffering from acid reflux feel it a few times a week, and eventually the esophagus can get too erroded and stomachal acids can leak into the lungs and into the mouth.

Many things can cause acid reflux, from drinking too much alcohol and eating too many acidic foods to too much stress.

Acid reflux can be treated with medication prescribed by the doctor or with natural remedies. Since medication can have side-effects many people prefer the natural cures for acid reflux. But if both natural cures and prescribed medication fails to give any results then surgery is required before acid seriously damages the esophagus.

The first symptoms of acid reflux are a sensation of heartburn that keeps appearing more and more often and stomach content coming back inside the mouth. These symptoms get worse when you lie down right after eating a meal.

There are a lot of natural cures for acid reflux, and many have reported that these natural cures gave good results in the treatment.

You shouldn't lie down right after eating a meal, because this can help what's inside the stomach leak back. You should also elevate the side of the bed where you put your head. Digestion is usually done in 2-3 hours, so you can lie in bed all you want after this time passes. It's also better to eat more small meals instead of few beg ones, to keep the stomach from filling.

Then you should avoid certain types of foods that stimulate acid production, like chewing gum and chocolate. Cut down alcohol and smoking because these irritate the esophagus' walls even more.

Some natural substances are recommended in the heartburn and acid reflux condition. These can relieve the symptoms and reduce the pain. They do not have any side-effect. The most effective are :

-peppermint - makes digestion easier and prevents tension and cramps that can push the acids backwards

-l! avender - this miraculous herb does wonders for the body. In the acid reflux' case it can reduce the quantity of gastric acids from the stomach, just like an antiacid medicine

-aloe vera - the juice from this plant can heal the damaged esophagus

In order to heal your acid reflux you need to do two things: to cure the damaged esophagus and to lower the quantity of acid inside the stomach. If you loose weight, exercise regularly lift you bed as mentioned before, and also take some herbs you will certainly feel some effects, and everyone can do these things.

http://www.acid-reflux-info-guide.com is one of the best acid reflux information sites on the net. Visit it if you are looking for great information on natural cures for acid reflux, acid reflux diet, acid reflux treatment and many more.

Muscle Cramps & Running Cramps ? Are You at Risk?

Treating running cramps, muscle cramps, night cramps, side stitches or any form of cramping first involves identifying whether you are in a higher than normal risk category than others.

Good friend, TV presenter, helicopter rescue doctor and medical director for EcoChallenge and Survivor, Dr Adrian Cohen, has seen his fair share of cramps associated with exercise and health problems.

Together we?ve assembled a checklist to help you determine if you may be more susceptible:

?Infants & Young Children (as they are more susceptible to heat)

?Over 65?s (more susceptible to nutritional deficiencies, heat and after the mid 40?s muscles generally begin to start breaking down more than they?re being built back up)

?Anyone who is ill and/or taking certain medications

?Overweight or Obese people

?If you suffer from arthritis, osteoporosis or cardiovascular disease

?Endurance Athletes

?Sports people involved in pre-season competition

?Physical fatigue

?If You Have a Poor diet

?Anyone who?s dehydrated

?If you have poor or non-existing stretching habits

?Long history of running

?If you do a lot of hill running

?If you have poor fitting or worn-out/old running shoes

?Running frequently on a hard surface

?Running on a muddy or wet football field

?Running or exercising in a hot climate

?If you are inactive for long periods of time

Now you have to agree that this is a pretty general list and can apply to practically everyone ? but the truth is ?practically everyone? does suffer a cramp from time to time.

The question then becomes a matter of how frequent and what you need and are prepared to do to stop and prevent them from happening ever again.

Sometimes by simply recognizing that you have a higher risk helps with the treatment and prevention.

For example ? if you do a lot of hill training, you might break it up a little with more flat courses or take a break from the hills. A! nd if yo u do a lot of running on a hard surface such as concrete, consider switching some of your training sessions to grass or sand. Even a road surface may be a little ?softer? than a concrete footpath. And if you're not very active, it' easy to get active.

If you take any type of regular medication, read the inside of the packaging that lists contra-indications and you may find cramp as something your doctor may not have told you about.

?For some who eats a poor diet and tries to compensate by training regularly, simply improving the diet - and that means drinking a whole lot more water, eating more fresh fruit and vegetables and avoiding fast and processed food - is enough to break the cycle and stop the cramps?, says Cohen.

If you do suffer cramps regularly and they affect your sporting performance then you will definitely need to take ?steps? to fix the problem before it gets worse and starts affecting your health.

For many athletes, cramps are early warning signs for a range of more serious health issues . . . elite athletes suffer many health challenges like diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, gut problems and even cancer because they ignored the warning signs during their career.

Last time I checked the records for the longest lived and most healthful people on the planet aren?t those who trained the hardest or were the fittest. James Fixx ? the legend runner who wrote the hugely popular 'The Complete Book of Running' which popularised the sport - died at the age of 52 from a massive heart attack.

Paul Newland is a health and nutrition consultant, trainer, martial arts instructor, commercial helicopter pilot and author. His Ultimate Cramp Busting Guide is one of the internet's leading health information books and is the definitive guide to preventing, treating and curing cramps associated with exercise. In the Ultimate Cramp Busting Guide Newland speaks with 6 health, sports, nutrition, medical and complimentary health care professionals and exp! lains wh y you get cramps, the best ways to treat them and how to prevent them from happening again.

วันเสาร์ที่ 27 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

How to Select a Qualified Plastic Surgeon

Cosmetic or aesthetic surgery is a very popular subject these days. Make a search on the internet for cosmetic or plastic surgery and you will get millions of results - web sites of plastic surgeons of different nationalities, various procedures available, advice for cheap plastic surgery, before and after photos, celebrity patients, clinics and surgery travel packages for various countries, news from around the world, and more.

There is an increasing number of individuals from all walks of life who undergo cosmetic surgery each year. How should someone considering plastic surgery select a plastic surgeon and make an informed decision? Patients considering cosmetic surgery should know that choosing the right surgeon is the single most important decision they will make. Today, many doctors perform cosmetic plastic surgery but not all of them have trained as plastic surgeons. Once doctors get their medical degrees, they may practice any specialty, even if they have not completed advanced training in that field. And so, a doctor who performs cosmetic plastic surgery is not necessarily trained as a plastic surgeon. He may have merely observed the procedure or taken a short course or workshop. To ensure the best results for the surgery you are considering, choose an authentic plastic surgeon with the specialized training and experience that is necessary for the success of your surgery.

As you visit the websites of plastic surgeons, they should provide you with basic information about plastic surgery and the various procedures available. You should be able to find information about the surgeon's formal training and experience. From the website, you should also be able to get an idea about the surgeon's basic approach and philosophy on cosmetic surgery and patient care.


Select a surgeon who has completed at least five to six years of formal training in plastic and reconstructive surgery in accredited training hospitals. This includes three to five years of general surge! ry resid ency and two to three years of plastic surgery residency. In the Philippines, these doctors are either board-eligible or board-certified by the Philippine Board of Plastic Surgery. Doctors who have completed residency training in plastic and reconstructive surgery are the only doctors who can rightfully claim to be plastic surgeons. Many doctors who perform cosmetic surgery procedures are board-certified in specialties other than plastic surgery or may even lack such credentials.


Good credentials provide a reasonable indication of a doctor's qualification to perform cosmetic surgery, and should serve as the basic starting point. Patients should then ask the surgeon about his experience. How long has he been in practice and how many times has he done the procedure you are considering? The broader your surgeon's experience, the greater your chances for a successful surgery.

Hospital Privileges

Another factor to consider is whether the surgeon has hospital privileges. Before a hospital grants privileges to physicians, they usually require certain standards of training and competence to be met. Although many cosmetic surgery procedures may be safely done in outpatient clinics, others should only be done in a hospital setting. It is best to choose a surgeon who has hospital privileges.


Find a plastic surgeon whom you feel comfortable with. You should be able to communicate easily with him, ask him all your questions and discuss your needs and expectations. Make sure you have all the facts you need in order to make an informed judgement.

A good plastic surgeon should be able to evaluate whether you are a good candidate for the surgery you are considering. He should be able to educate you about your options and give you advice about the best technique for your needs. If there are less invasive or non-surgical procedures that could fulfill your needs, the surgeon should be able to tell you about them.

Realize that pre- and post-operative pho! tos of t he surgeon?s patients can be useful in helping you understand the surgery but are no guarantee that your results will be similar. Every individual is different.

Beware of any doctor who tells you there are no possible risks involved in surgery. There are always risks, and these should be discussed frankly.

Never allow a doctor to talk you into any procedure you don?t want. A reputable plastic surgeon will let the patient suggest what he or she wants done and then advise them on what is or is not possible.

Be skeptical of any doctor who seems to avoid talking about his or her training and professional qualifications.


Although price is definitely a factor when considering elective surgery, don?t bargain shop for plastic surgery. Any surgery is still surgery and has some uncertainty and risk involved. When price is the primary factor for choosing a plastic surgeon, risks increase. The success of your surgery is largely dependent on your choice of surgeon and professional qualifications and experience should be your main consideration in selecting your plastic surgeon. Even when you go to popular clinics where a number of surgeons practice as a group, take a look at the qualifications of the particular surgeon who will be handling your case.

Good plastic surgeons may charge relatively affordable fees, especially if they practice in Asian countries like the Philippines, where cost of living expenses are low and if they can keep overhead costs low by having modest outpatient surgery clinics. But think twice if the surgeon you're considering charges much lower than other plastic surgeons in the same country. Especially if the procedure to be done is in the face, like a rhinoplasty (nose surgery), blepharoplasty (eye surgery) or rhytidectomy (face lift), you could end up having to stare at your cheap doctor's mistakes in the mirror every day. No wonder there are also so many searches made for awful plastic surgery.

Dr. Carlos Lasa Jr. is a Filipino plastic & re! construc tive surgeon who trained at the University of the Philippines, Institute of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Georgia, USA, & Mt. Sinai Medical Center, Ohio,USA. He is currently based in Metro Manila, Philippines. He specializes in cosmetic plastic surgery procedures such as liposuction, rhinoplasty (noselift), breast augmentation, blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery), rhytidectomy (facelift), and more. For more information about having affordable cosmetic plastic surgery in the Philippines, visit his site at http://www.cosmeticsurgeryphil.com or email clasamd@cosmeticsurgeryphil.com

Forms of Honey

Basically honey comes in various physical forms:

1. Comb Honey:

It is difficult to find comb honey nowadays, but sometimes you can find a jar of liquid honey to which a piece of cut comb has been added. Before the invention of honey extracting device, honey is mostly produced in the form of comb honey. Today, very little honey is produced as comb honey. Comb honey is raw pure honey sections taken straight from the hive ? honey bees? wax comb. It is the most unprocessed form in which honey comes -- the bees fill the hexagon shaped wax cells of the comb with honey and cap it with beeswax. You can eat comb honey just like a chewy candy. Because the honey in the comb is untouched and is deemed to be pure, honey presented in this form comes with a high price tag.

2. Liquid honey:

I easily find this honey everywhere. When I travel abroad, I notice that most countries seem to have no lack of it. Liquid honey has been filtered to remove to remove fine particles, pollen grains, and air bubbles, and heated to melt visible crystals after being extracted from the honey comb by centrifugal force or gravity. Because liquid honey mixes easily into a variety of foods, its uses are diverse. It is used as a syrup for pancakes and waffles and in a wide variety of recipes, and it's especially convenient for cooking and baking.

3. Cream honey:

If you are one of those who complain that honey is messy to use, cream honey would be an excellent alternative to liquid honey. Cream honey, also known as whipped honey, spun honey, granulated honey, or honey fondant, is found in the market in a crystallised state. It has one part finely granulated honey blended with nine parts liquid honey. The crystallisation is controlled in such a way that at room temperature, the honey has a smooth consistency and can be spread like butter.

Source: http://www.benefits-of-honey.com

วันศุกร์ที่ 26 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

Important Information on Diabetes You Should Know

There are approximately 14 million people in the United States that have been diagnosed with diabetes. Unfortunately, it is also estimated that another 6 million people have the disease, but have not yet been diagnosed. These are the people that need accurate information on diabetes to be sure that they visit their health care provider right away if they notice symptoms.

While looking for information on diabetes, your search will reveal that Type 2 diabetes is the most common type of diabetes and is often found among the aging population. Type 2 differs from Type 1 in that Type 2 diabetes patients do produce insulin, but for some reason the cells ignore its presence. This results in a build up of glucose in the body, which can lead to blindness, heart disease and kidney damage to name a few of the complications that are associated with Type 2 diabetes.

While looking for information on diabetes it is important to find information on the complications that accompany the disease as well. While diabetes is a treatable illness, it does have some complications that should not be ignored. If you notice any of these issues, it is important to see your doctor immediately. Some of the issues associated with diabetes include an increase in periodontal disease, sexual dysfunction among men and women, an increase in blood pressure and nerve damage. This is a small list of the complications that are common with diabetes; your physician will be able to provide a more complete list.

The two most common types of diabetes are Type 1 and Type 2. Type 1 is a direct result of the body's failure to properly manufacture the insulin that it needs. Insulin is a hormone that allows glucose inside cells to fuel them. While being diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes is serious, it is defiantly an illness that can be lived with and controlled. The information on diabetes will reveal that Type 1 diabetes is controlled by insulin injections.

When looking for information on diabetes, there are three types to learn ! about. O ne of the best places to find the information you need about type 1, type 2 and gestational diabetes is from your doctor. However, another good way to find this information is on the internet. When you are looking up information on diabetes online, it is important to be sure that you are getting it from a reputable source. The government has several websites that has the kind of accurate information on diabetes that you need.

John Mancini has been writing about Diabetes online and offline for a long time. Visit http://diabetics-net.info or http://stop-diabetes.net to read more about matters like diabetes supply and diabetes 2.

Cosmetic Surgery Guide

Cosmetic surgery, also known as aesthetic surgery, is a unique branch of medicine focusing on improving appearance by using surgical and medical techniques. It is a very popular avenue for personal enhancement. Cosmetic surgery is performed for purely aesthetic reasons, and reconstructive or plastic surgery is normally performed for medical reasons. Real cosmetic surgery is one of the quickest growing branches of modern day medicine. This type of surgery is no longer just the exclusive domain of movie stars and celebrities. The decision to go ahead with any sort of cosmetic surgery is intensely personal.


There are many reasons to opt for cosmetic surgery, varying with each individual, some reasons cosmetic and some medical. Most importantly, you should be doing it for the correct reasons. To increase the chance of a satisfying outcome, first look at your motives for wanting cosmetic surgery. Each person has different reasons for wanting to alter their appearance but having cosmetic surgery may not be the best choice for you. Today, it is not just women that are having this kind of surgery, men are requesting plastic surgery too.


Are you alert to the possible dangers of a facial plastic surgery. Problems that have been known to occur with plastic surgery range from some scarring to even death in rare cases. Even simple operations like a brow lift entail certain dangers, although these are quite small. In spite of the risks involved, cosmetic surgery is a lot more acceptable now than it was a few years ago.


Due to the recent proliferation of techniques and lowering of costs, a lot of people can afford to have some cosmetic surgery. Reckon up all the costs and benefits both personal and financial. Costs of cosmetic plastic surgery can and do vary quite a bit, depending on the type and duration of the procedure. Costs should be discussed at the time of your consultation. Extra surgery expenses, flight costs and hotel bills can add up to hundreds or! thousan ds of pounds/dollars or whatever. Insurance companies usually cover costs for reconstructive surgery but do not as a rule cover cosmetic surgery.


Whether cosmetic surgery is the right thing for you depends on several factors. The most important factor when considering plastic or cosmetic surgery is to choose the right surgeon. And never forget that death from cosmetic surgery has been reported in isolated cases. Cosmetic surgery is very satisfying for the patient and the surgeon when it is performed in a way that is safe, sound, and realistic. Receiving cosmetic surgery is starting to become as common as going along to the dentist. Just remember that the aim of facial cosmetic surgery is improvement, and not perfection.

James Hunaban is the owner of cosmetic-surgery.health-info4u.com - a site dedicated to Cosmetic Surgery . Go there now and read some interesting articles on the subject.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 25 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

How to Cope with Tinnitus

For any tinnitus sufferer, it can be overwhelming to try and stop the ringing. When doctors tell you that there is only so much you can do, and stress becomes a major setback, life just doesn?t seem fair. Often patients fear the worst and begin to feel like there is no way out for this problem. It also is extremely frustrating when you know that you can hear the overpowering sound, yet no one else around you can.

For any person who suffers from Tinnitus, it is important that you recognize how you acquired it. Many people do not learn as much as they can about the disease, because they feel like it is no use. However, it is extremely imperative that you learn as much as you can about the disease and what causes it. This may help you start coping with what you have, regardless of how frustrated you feel.

If you have heard of Tinnitus, chances are you cringe at the thought of developing such a problem. With constant high pitch sounds resonating throughout your ears, it is a wonder that anyone can focus on other areas of life. Surprisingly, at least half of the 35 million Americans suffering from this disease can deal with it. While it is one of the most difficult things anyone will have to face, it is possible to take control.

Tinnitus may make the person feel like they have been defeated, but there are ways to control the sound, and perhaps decrease it. Otolaryngologists will teach you how to take the sound and alleviate it to an extent. For instance, there are concentration exercises that focus on relaxation. By calming your ear muscles down, it can actually decrease the stress, and thus control the constant ringing that you hear. Some patients actually claim that it stops the sound all together, while others say it only helps a little. Nevertheless, it is an exercise that should be tried.

If the ringing sound is driving you crazy, doctors will suggest covering it up with another sound. White noise from a radio or a clock that ticks loudly can make you focus on other things, esp! ecially if you are in a very quiet environment. When you go to bed, there are peaceful sounds that you can try. The majority of Tinnitus sufferers buy pillow speakers and suggest using relaxation music that is similar to yoga or relaxation techniques. Still not helping? It is imperative that you find other areas in life to focus on. Go for a walk, hang out with friends, or simply ride a bike. By doing all of these other hobbies, you will most likely be able to block out some of the noise.

It has been shown that stress actually increases the ringing in people?s ears. Therefore, it is essential to always stay stress free, or at least keep it to a minimum. Exercising daily to alleviate anxiety, listening to soothing music, or writing may help you cope with this. It is also recommended that you avoid salty foods. By eating healthy and avoiding caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine, you could be doing your ears a huge favor.

Although Tinnitus can drive people to serious places, it is possible to enjoy life and ignore the ringing. Most people feel that support groups are actually the most helpful. For this reason, you should try and locate an organization or group that deals with this kind of issue. You will be able to hear other people?s stories, and learn a lot from the techniques that they use. Nevertheless, having Tinnitus doesn?t mean that your life has to end. It may bring extra hurdles that you have to overcome, but it is possible to walk a smooth path. By living stress free and surrounding yourself with amazing people, the disease does not have to win. You can still accomplish whatever you?d like, even if there is a ringing in your ears.

Mark Goeder-Tarant lived under the spell of Tinnitus for almost 6 years before realizing that only HE held the key to success. He is now dedicated to supporting and helping other Tinnitus victims. The e-book My Best Friend Tinnitus can be found at his own site especially designed for Tinnitus victims.

Burger King: Eat Like a Pig

Sometimes I just have to shake my head... I was driving down the street when a spied a Burger King about a block away. It had one of those signs where they can promote a particular item or special, and this is what it had written on it:

Ultimate Double Whopper: Eat Like a King!

Right, I thought... more likely it should have read Eat Like a Pig!.

I came home and decided to look up the nutritional (Ha!) info on this kingly bit of food and here's what I found:

Calories: 1,250
Carbs: 55 grams (26%)
Protein: 69 grams (33%)
Fat: 84 grams (40%)

Nice, huh? It's the highest calorie item on their menu. We're talking HALF the amount of calories the average man should be eating per day in ONE BURGER. Keep in mind that most people are going to order a side of fries with that, and the large size adds 500 calories to the tally for a total of 1,750 calories!

Keep in mind that while on my fat loss regime that's what my target was for the entire day!

On a side note, I checked out Burger King's French Toast Kid's Meal as I was curious how many calories might be in that. I mean it's for kids, right? So it shouldn't be THAT high in calories...

Try 670 calories.

Do you know how many calories Burger King's much-advertised man-sized Enormous Omelet Sandwich contains?

740 calories.

So here we have the difference between an item meant for a child and a big, hungry man standing at only 70 calories.

That's just bloody wrong, folks and it makes me angry. It should make you angry too.

Visit http://www.diet-to-lower.my-cholesterol-level.com to learn how to lower your cholesterol level.

วันพุธที่ 24 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

Vitamin Supplement to Treat Hair Loss: Zinc

One of the reasons that contribute to your hair loss problem may be insufficient nutrients. If our bodies lack the necessary vitamins, then it is not possible to expect that they will be functioning optimally and healthily. In fact, one of the major nutrients that prevents and treats hair loss is zinc. By understanding how this nutrient relates to hair loss, you can ensure a diet that is helpful in stopping hair loss.

It is known that zinc will add the extra proteins into your system that will then affect hair growth, as well as healthy skin and nails. If you do not have enough in your system, it will cause your hair to stop growing and fall out. Zinc works in relation to the several proteins that are located throughout your body in order to create a support system for your body. Zinc is needed for cell division, in the growth and maintenance of muscles, helps to control oil glands, and is also required for the synthesis of protein and collagen - which is great for wound healing and a healthy skin.

Zinc deficiency not only produces problems with hair loss, but also with changes in the scalp. The scalp may become too dry or flaky and may often times be irritated because of the lack of nutrients. Many have reported that zinc has been shown to be effective in stopping their hair from turning gray. Even when hair is already gray or becoming thinner and balding, zinc can reverse the effects when taken in proper amounts. It is not surprising that many suffer from zinc deficiency since zinc is destroyed in the milling process and is also lost in cooking. In addition, a zinc deficiency can result in a poor immune system, heightened sensitivities and allergies, night blindness, loss of smell, white spots under finger nails, skin problems, sleep disturbances etc.

Men with zinc shortage may have a problem with fertility, while women may experience irregular periods. Children with too little zinc may have stunted growth and slow sexual maturity.

Thus, zinc deficiency is a proble! m that y ou do not wish to have. In your diet, include a variety of foods that contain this nutrient. Wheat germ, yeast, muscle meat, fish and egg yolks are all known for having a high amount of zinc in them. From here, the proteins will be stimulated in the several areas of your body. It is best to have zinc from natural sources.

If, however, you find that you are not able to consume zinc through natural sources, then you can always buy zinc supplements. Instances where consuming zinc from natural sources is not possible include if you have certain food allergies or intolerances. Zinc supplements are readily available in health stores. They can be effective when you take between fifty to one hundred milligrams a day.

Definitely whether you are having adequate sources of zinc in your diet, is an important factor to consider with regards to your hair loss. This is one vitamin supplement that may just work wonders for your receding hair line.

Kathlene Capelle writes on hair loss solution, female hair loss, male hair loss, cause of hair loss, natural hair loss treatment and hair care tips. Her blog also includes home made recipes for hair loss. For hair loss remedy information and news updates, please visit http://www.hair-loss-remedy-central.com

Common Aromatherapy Uses

Aromatherapy as used today originated in Europe and has been practiced there since the early 1900s. Practitioners of aromatherapy believe that every oil has a vibration or note, which can be used for different therapeutic applications.

Aromatherapy can be used to relax and soothe the mind and body, to energize or even to arouse. Aromatherapy derived from the use of essential oils to solicit specific emotions. Essential oils have been used for thousands of years for their health supporting properties. The powerful aromas of essential oils affect your moods and feelings through your sense of smell.

By selecting a particular scent, you can encourage a state of relaxation, romance, healing or comfort. Essential oils can be used in Aromatherapy, to scent potpourri, lotions, cosmetics, perfumes, food flavorings and medicinally.

Additionally oils can be used in creating sachets, potpourri, reviving potpourri, and for light bulb scenting. Essential oils can also be used via the bath, diffusion, massage, or compress. Each individual person, fabric, or material may react differently to a particular suggested use.

Essential oils can be mixed in a cream essential oil combinations are applied directly to the skin for beauty care or treatment of sores or irritations. By using different essential oils, you can control the nature of those benefits.

A unique property of plants is that many contain natural fragrance or perfume-like scents known as essential oils. Essential oils come from plants while fragrance oils are artificially created and often contain synthetic chemicals.

Essential oils are taken from a plant's flowers, leaves, stalks, bark, rind, or roots. The yield of essential oil differs with individual plant species-ranging in most cases from about 0.2 to 2.0%. That's why literally tons of plant material are required for just a few hundred pounds of oil.

In some cases different organs of a single plant may contain essential oils of different chemical composition. In ! the end, even the smallest bottle of essential oil can create a lot of powerful solution. It is important to note that the benefits of aromatherapy do depend on the unique nature of each person's response to an aromatic stimulus.

Francesca Black works in marketing at Organic Items http://www.organic-items.com and Aromatherapy Blends http://www.aromatherapy-blends.net leading portals for organic products and essential oils.

วันอังคารที่ 23 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

Simple and Effective Ways to Control Acne

Acne control include unclogging the pores of the skin, destroying bacteria and reducing excessive oil, or, in other words, Prevention.

As the saying goes an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure

With this in mind, what then are the best ways to prevent and control acne?

First of all remember the basics of healthy living- nourish your body with good food, consume 6-8 glasses of water per day and try to get enough shut eye (8-9 hours is highly recommended).

A method of controlling acne that is not widely known is to take fish oil supplements on a regular basis.

Fish oils contain EPA and DHA fatty acids as well as omega-3 and omega-6 oils.

These essential elements create prostaglandins in the human body.

Prostaglandins are chemical hormones and they serve to maintain optimum functioning in all of the body's organs and cells.

They keep androgen hormones, which cause the production of excessive oil, in check.

Using mild soap-free cleansers such as Cetaphil, Dove, Purpose or Neutrogena helps keep the skin clear of dirt and surface impurities.

Exfoliating creams and masques are also good for acne control as they work to gently peel away dead skin cells. But make sure you don't choose one that is overly abrasive.

Using an astringent or toner to rid your face of excessive oil is an effective way to control acne as is using topical solutions containing benzoyl peroxide or sulfur.

Some acne sufferers find products with benzoyl peroxide to be harsh or excessively drying to their skin.

Stress is a contributing factor in acne growth so try to keep it to a minimum.

Too much stress becomes a vicious circle in that pressure triggers the production of more oil which ultimately causes more skin problems and the acne that results tends to stress out the sufferer even more.

Who else has been search for more articles and information regarding acne and skin treatments, visit Acne-Care-and-Skin-Treatments.com

Improve Your Eyesight with Trataka

Eyes are the windows of the soul and you can see what a person is up to by looking into his eyes. Hence it is important to have clean eyesight. In yoga, trataka is a technique devised by the ancient sages to improve the eyesight. It is a shuddhikriya or purification process to cleanse the eyesight and help in silencing of the mind in concentration. Sit with your back straight. Keep your eyes fixed on an object without winking till tears start streaming down your face. The small object can be the flame of an oil lamp, or an image or a picture or the letter ?AUM?. This object should be placed in the line of sight at a distance of about four to six feet. You can also do this kriya without any object in front of you. Having an object is not necessary. Just stare in front of you at the wall without moving the eyeballs or eyelids. Ensure that you stare at a certain point on the wall.

Before starting this exercise, you can start off by movement of the eyes without moving the head, where you roll your eyeballs up and down, sideways and from corner to corner diagonally. Initially, you can make this movement with the open eyes and then repeat them with the closed eyes. This will give the requisite exercise to the eye muscles. This is then followed by trataka. Trataka makes the eyes clear, improves eyes and silences the mind. Over a period of time, you will experience the silence of the mind. If you want to meditate, start with trataka to silence the mind and then go to the meditation. This way, you will reap the benefits of meditation. Since you are exercising the eye muscles, they become stronger. You can perform this kriya daily without any harmful effects.

Kevin Pederson is the webmaster for Yogawiz that provides loads of information on Basics of Yoga, Office Yoga, Asanas and Poses. Trataka is an excellent eye exercise. It can also lead to silencing the turbulent mind.


วันจันทร์ที่ 22 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

Organic Essential Oils Sourced Directly from Nature's Lap

Essential oils are the pure essence of a plant or herb. However, it is difficult to rule out the presence of pesticides in the so-called pure essential oil, particularly in the age where pesticides form an important constituent of farming. A conclusion thus follows that the essential oil derived from such raw materials may not be as effective for ones purpose; resulting into side effects at times. The craze for organic essential oils springs from the concern for ones safety while using essential oils.

Organic essential oils are manufactured from plants and herbs that have been grown without pesticides. Organic farming coexists with the natural systems rather than dominating them. In the process, the farmer is able to sustain and build soil fertility, reduces pollution and overall becomes a crusader to protect environment.

Pesticides are not the only component that the organic essential oil must be rid of. The farmers must take steps to preserve the soil quality of the land. This will result into enzyme-rich and therapeutically viable raw materials. Using these techniques ensures that the organic essential oil is alive and active.

If compared to the essential oils derived from non-organic elements, one will find that the organic essential oils outscore them. The quality of organic essential oils taken as a whole, curative benefits and aroma are always superior to the non-organic oils.

Thanks to the several certifying agencies, buyers can escape the unscrupulous activities that are going on in this industry. One can easily be duped into taking a non-organic essential oil in place of the organic essential oil. ECOCERT International certified organic essential oils are considered of a good quality through out the world. Soil Association in the UK certifies organically manufactured essential oils.

However, certification of a few oils is difficult. An example of this is the Boswellia tree resin, which is the raw material for deriving frankincense essential oil. It is difficult ! to certi fy the essential oil derived from this because it is grown only in wild conditions. In such cases, if the manufacturer is able to source raw material from the actual location, it will be deemed to be grown without pesticides or insecticides.

When shopping for organic essential oils, the buyer must look for terms such as 100% natural or 100% biodegradable. Only the manufacturers of organic essential oils can use the terms or phrases. Another thing to look for when shopping for organic essential oils is its ingredients. If the list of ingredients reveals fragrance oils, artificial colors or synthetics, it is not organic essential oil.

Organic essential oils are available in sizes of 5ml, 10ml and 15ml. Expensive oils come in sizes of 2ml and 1 dram. It is very important to store essential oils in good conditions. Rather than using clear glass bottles, it will be advisable to use dark amber or cobalt blue bottles. These bottles do not allow sunlight to pass through and thus prevent deterioration of organic essential oils. To prevent temperature fluctuations and sunlight to contaminate the oils, the user can purchase or get special wooden boxes constructed to store the essential oils.

Cost of organic oils is more. This is because the cost of producing via organic means is more. However, an essential oil with little or no therapeutic value (for which the buyer chiefly purchases the oil) is of no use. All good things come at a price. The same applies to organic essential oils too. Buyers thus must not shy away from paying a small premium to get the pure essential oils.

Bryan Josling is working with the Horticultural Research Station in Adelaide. He has also been involved with research on plants. To find Aromatherapy essential oils, essential massage oils, essential oils wholesale visit http://www.ndaroma.com.

The Health Advantages of Permanent Makeup

The art and science of permanent makeup goes by many different names: micropigmentation, permanent cosmetics, derma pigmentation, intradermal cosmetics, dermagraphics and cosmetic tattoos. As the procedures associated with permanent makeup become more main stream the public becomes more aware of the benefits, especially for individuals that suffer from illness, disease, injury or scarring. In my recent article Building a Bridge: Cosmetic Surgery and Micropigmentation I explored the relationship between cosmetic surgery and permanent makeup. I would now like to discuss how permanent makeup can work as part of the solution for a variety of medical conditions.

Physicians as Partners

According to the Third Edition of Medical Issues for Permanent Cosmetic Technicians published by the Society of Permanent Cosmetic Professionals permanent cosmetic professionals are part of a new and exciting trend in the aesthetic medical arena. It goes on to say that plastic surgery and dermatology centers are now offering permanent makeup procedures in order to attract new patients. At times physicians recommend permanent makeup to compliment other cosmetic procedures, such as Botox or a face lift, but it also helps the patient feel better about themselves and the way they look during or after a difficult illness or injury. The artistic eye of a trained permanent makeup practitioner can analyze color and form to achieve the best look when the doctor has exhausted medical and surgical options.

Know Your Medical History

It is important that the permanent cosmetic professional inquire into a client's medical history. For specific medical related issues the physician should approve the procedure. Healing time and the strength of the immune system are incredibly important. Some of the most common medical conditions that warrant permanent makeup are cancer patients experiencing hair loss due to chemotherapy and areola repigmentation after breast reconstruction. It is pref! erable t o have permanent makeup applied before chemotherapy or in the early stages of treatment to reduce stress and promote healing. A Doctor's release should be provided. Permanent makeup can also be used to assist patients that suffer from Vitiligo-the absence of pigmentation in the skin, Trichotillomania-a condition that causes compulsive plucking of hair or Alopecia-a condition that leads to complete or partial hair loss. Permanent makeup can also help Hypothyroid patients who have thinning eyebrows. Individuals who have recently had a facelift or plastic surgery should wait until their physician has determined they are healed, this can take six months or more, but patience will guard against infection. Anyone with medical issues that create a higher risk for infection, such as an artificial hip, mitral vale prolapse or autoimmune disorders should be on an antibiotic. If you are on medication consult your doctor, it is essential that you do your homework.

Toxicity Issues and Camouflaging Scars

Permanent makeup is also a viable alternative for individuals that suffer from allergies or toxicity issues. Patients should talk with their doctors about potential side effects related to pigments then consult a trained permanent makeup practitioner. In many situations the pigments are less toxic than applying conventional cosmetics every day. Individuals that suffer from arthritis, loss of vision or neurological problems that cause painful or unsteady movement of the hands can also enjoy the freedom achieved through permanent makeup. In her book The Essence of Beauty Dr. Adrianna Scheibner, M.D. says in Chapter 9 the applications of the procedure [derma pigmentation within the realm of medicine are numerous. In the past few years, Scheibner continues, corrective camouflaging has emerged as a useful service to dermatologists and plastic surgeons when they can no longer medically improve a patient's appearance. Camouflage, applied by an experienced permanent makeup profe! ssional, is a tricky procedure. In the Procedures of Macro-Theory Dermagraphics printed by the American Institute of Permanent Color Technology it states that the application of camouflage is unlike any other procedure...when applying camouflage you actually are taking something away, or diminishing something that already exists, from the skin. Because of this, camouflaging is an imperfect procedure. Camouflaging is difficult and the results never exact. Camouflaging strives to recreate the skin?s natural appearance; realistic expectations are essential with this type of procedure. Also, when seeking assistance with scar camouflage the procedure should be done when scars are a pale white color, not red or pink.

There are many potential issues when a candidate for permanent makeup suffers from illness or injury. The permanent makeup professional you choose should have experience and provide you with referrals from previous clients and a portfolio. An experienced permanent makeup professional will know the right questions to ask during your initial consultation and will guide you through the safest and healthiest way to looking your best. To learn more about permanent makeup visit my web site www.DawnColors.com.

Dawn Willard?s extensive career in the fine and applied arts has included lettering, illustrations and photo and film styling. Twenty-three years as a photo and film stylist taught Dawn and array of artistic skills, one being makeup. Ms. Willard?s foray into permanent makeup began in 1996. She currently owns the Permanent Makeup Studio in Asheville North Carolina. She has explored a variety of techniques and has clients coming to her from Illinois, Ohio, South Carolina, Tennessee, New Hampshire, New Mexico and numerous towns in western and central North Carolina. She can be reached at http://www.DawnColors.com or starjump@gmail.com.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 21 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

Motivation: Keeping the Fire Going in Your Fat Loss Plan

Motivation is a factor often overlooked when it comes to weight loss endeavors because you feel strong and determined when first embarking on a fat loss plan. You?re positive you?ll never lose sight of your goals. But, what happens when you lose your focus and motivation takes a serious dive? Can you ever regain your fierce determination and get back on track? YES YOU CAN!

Are you ready?

Are you ready to stop fighting against your own success? Are you ready to break free of your limitations? Think for a moment about your desire to lose fat and get fit. Know that if you would attempt it, you would without a doubt, achieve your goal. Think carefully about it. Now, reach out and touch that highest vision.

The day you begin your fat loss plan you have just started to make your goal a reality. You've set your mind on the best you can imagine for yourself, and you're on your way. You'll most certainly get there. There will be effort involved in reaching it. But that's okay, because you can do it. In fact, you'll enjoy making that effort because you'll know where it's leading.

Have you ever seen someone who seems to be able to attract success easily and naturally? You've just become that person. The goal you desire will come to you, easily and naturally, because you've focused yourself on achieving it.

The efforts involved may be things you once considered difficult or uncomfortable, yet now they won't bother you because you'll know precisely where they're taking you.You're on your way. Keep going, and delight in the wonderful rewards you've already started to create for yourself, including feeling better and living longer!

For many people, change is more threatening than challenging. They see it as the destroyer of what is familiar and comfortable rather than the creator of what is new and exciting.

Anyone can lose weight. The trick is to LOSE FAT and keep it off!

People who stay slim have usually experienced an attitude shift. It's as if a switch flips in th! eir head . They come to a point in life, for one reason or another, where it becomes clear that the benefits of keeping the fat off exceed the costs. Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels.

My fat loss and fitness plan ?Every Body Loses? will give you the tools you need to begin a healthy fat loss program. The style of eating and exercising outlined in my book is one that you can follow for life without feeling deprived. If you?re serious about losing fat and getting fit go to http://www.aim4nutrition.com and get started TODAY!

Aimee Deak is a certified personal trainer, nutrition analyst and author of the book, Every Body Loses, an easy-to follow, step-by-step guide to fat loss.

You can find more information about fat loss and exercise on her website http://www.aim4nutrition.com

The Healing Arts: 18 Things Healers Learn #17 Answers Appear In the Space In Between

It has been said of Frank Sinatra that his power as a singer was not so much in what he did with the notes, but what he did with the space in between those notes. In music, tones come out of nowhere and recede back into nothing, and their relationship with each other and those spaces combine to make up the body of a complete piece that moves us. There is no music without the space in between; it is defined by it.

There are no words without the space in between. There is nothing that exists without the space in between. It is as integral and essential as the matter that defines our universe.

The space in between is not empty, for too much goes on there. It is a place, however, where there are no distractions; a free space through which everything else comes forth as a result of interaction. Without it, we would be an immense, formless thing called ?the One.? In one sense, the space in between is the glue that holds us apart. Out of that space comes creation.

Within that space there occurs a sorting and assimilation of factors from all levels of experience; the immediate physical, the current emotional, the symbolic, and the accumulation of past experiences into an expression of a new moment. So much of this goes unnoticed, it is no surprise that a new thought often appears to ?come from nowhere.?

Of course that nowhere is the space in between where everything that is available to you ? both seen and unseen ? coalesces into a subtle shift that defines the direction of the next moment.

Have you ever had the experience of discovering a new connection, finding a new way to see things, or seeing something for the first time within the context of the familiar? Where did those experiences come from? Perhaps it is an indication that the space in between is where thought becomes reality; the passageway through which energy becomes matter. No matter how you view it, the space in between is anything but a vacuum. And it is where co-creation occurs.

Find a partner (or two or! three) and stand a few feet away from each other. One of you will use your hands and body to define the dimensions and weight of an invisible ball. Make sure the other(s) can see what is being done, then, that person will toss it to one of the others, who will catch what is thrown to her, form it into a ball of a different size, shape and weight, and throw it back to another to catch.

Was that a real experience?

There is nothing in your hands at the beginning. Out of that nothing evolves a shape. To that shape is added weight. Once that ?ball? leaves your hands, something happens to it enroute; the recipient?s interpretation of what you offered is imposed on that object and it begins to morph into something else. At first, it is an approximation of the ball that was first defined. Then, it gets translated from the vision of the originator into the vision of the recipient; essentially, run through the filters of the recipient?s life and his relationship with the moment.

There is a point at which the ball is neither the originator?s nor the recipient?s. It becomes a unique expression of where the two meet. In essence, all interactions happen this way. An originating moment gets affected by outside influences and becomes a new moment.

The acts of observation, interpretation, and response all take place in the space in between ? the illusion of empty time that exists between moments. The space in between is where everything that is in front of you is assimilated with everything you?ve ever experienced to that point in your life ? and pitted against the influences of the moment. Out of that relationship, something happens. The space in between is the place where you get the directions about how, what, where, and when the tools that you?ve been gifted with are to be used, and how they can be applied to the situation/person at hand.

The power and effectiveness of what you do are determined right there. If what you choose to do doesn?t work, where do you go? Right back into the space! in betw een to find a new approach.

The implication for the healer lies in recognizing that the space in between is not about the originator, it is about the new that springs forth from the interplay between originator and recipient. It is a by-product of that connection, rather than a reflection of one point of view.

For the healer, working with the space in between means keeping it as uncluttered by self as possible. In that way, the special healing alchemy that results when two people come together can be allowed to come to full realization.

Russ Reina shares over 35 years of experience in the healing arts through his web site http://mauihealingartist.com. It is a potent resource for those wishing to deepen their abilities in connection and develop their powers as healers. For a powerful free tool to explore your inner world, please check out his adjunct site http://thestoryofthis.net

(Permission is granted to reprint this article, unedited, provided proper attribution is made and the signature line -- the above resource paragraph -- is kept intact)

วันเสาร์ที่ 20 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

Toenail Fungus UV

As a treatment for toenail fungus uv light is seldom, if ever used. However, it can be useful as a means of ridding the environment of infectious fungal spores. Laboratories that work with fungal isolates use ultraviolet light to sterilize equipment, and it has been at least suggested that ultraviolet light might prevent fungal spores and other organism from being dispersed through air conditioning and ventilation systems. At home, simply exposing shoes and socks to normal daylight, which includes ultraviolet wavelengths, may help kill off lingering fungal elements from fungal nail infections.

Ultraviolet light is harmful or lethal to many forms of life. It is routinely used to disinfect contaminated surfaces and water supplies. On the other hand, exposure to ultraviolet rays causes blindness, and almost everyone is aware that increased exposure to ultraviolet in sunlight is causing an increase in skin cancers. It is not a benign light, therefore any toenail fungus uv treatment should be approached with extreme caution, and under the supervision of a professional. Tanning beds are a relatively safe way to expose skin and nails to ultraviolet light, but even these come with associated risks and many people do not think they are a safe approach to tanning or skin treatment.

Perhaps the reason some people believe that toenail fungus uv treatment is an option is that patients who suffer from psoriasis are often treated with ultraviolet radiation. This can be very beneficial in clearing up the uncomfortable skin lesions these individuals suffer experience. Because psoriasis patients often have deformed nails that resemble nails that are infected with fungus, there may be some confusion: dermatitis caused by psoriasis affects the root of the nail and makes the nail grow out abnormally: settling down the dermatitis can result in new nail growing in with a normal appearance. Clearly, this is not a toenail fungus uv cure.

One of the drawbacks in ultraviolet light, with respect to sterilizatio! n techni ques at least, is its inability to penetrate surfaces. Glass and plastic that don't allow ultraviolet wavelengths to pass through are readily created. It may very well be that ultraviolet rays would not penetrate an infected nail sufficiently to affect the fungus growing underneath - a weakness of many nail fungus treatments. The bottom line is that toenail fungus uv treatment is not a good treatment choice. A natural remedy or prescription drug will probably work better and carry less risk.

R. Drysdale is a freelance writer with more than 25 years experience as a health care professional. She is a contributing editor to Nail Fungus Treatment, a blog dedicated to the treatment of fingernail and toenail fungus.

Glucosamine Chondroitin & Arthritis A Health Supplement

Many millions of people are affected by pain and suffering from Arthritis and research has shown that Glucosamine and Chondroitin sulphates combined have given these people new hope and relief from their painful ailments.

Many medicines are available to reduce pain, but some of them have serious side effects, some that have even proven to be fatal.

Both substances are Natural complex sugar like molecules that the body uses to rebuild cartilage and restore movement to Arthritic joints. It is important to remember that Glucosamine and Chondroitin are an amazingly safe and easy to use mixture, especially when compared with other forms of treatment.

Loss of cartilage can result in damage to the bone and the development of Osteoarthritis, which ends up as pain and disability. Cartilage is the key to healthy joints, and maintaining a healthy cartilage throughout life is critical to healthy joints and continued movement of joints.

As we age, or as the result of injuries, our ability to renew cartilage diminishes, causing damage to bone ends as they rub together. Glucosamine and Chondroitin can actually help to rebuild cartilage, therefore, improving joint health.

Taking the two compounds proves to be a very easy way of maintaining joint health and helping to alleviate pain and disability.

Cartilage rebuilding is a slow process, but with the right amounts of Glucosamine and Chondroitin benefits to mobility and pain relief can be seen within two to six weeks, it is recommended though that it should be taken daily for at least three months.

Engagement in mild or moderate exercise on a regular basis, would help in providing joint mobility.

Most users would need something like 1250mg to 1500mg of Glucosamine a day and about 1000mg to 1200mg of Chondroitin a day.

You should check with a Physician or Natural Health Care provider before commencing treatment.

Glyconutrients contain Glucosamine along with seven other sugars or polysaccharides.

Article ! by Alfre d Jones, More Information at : http://www.SugarsR4U.com and http://www.RUsweetEnuf.com

Learn about Himalayan Goji Juice, the world?s most powerful Anti Aging Food and Glyconutrients with Antioxidants, The Essential Sugars for Life.

วันศุกร์ที่ 19 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

Can A Contact Lens Really Get Lost In Your Brain?

Did you lose your contact lens under your upper eyelid? HELP! If you ever get a contact lens misplaced under your upper lid the first step is to stay relaxed. There is never really a reason to panic. Know that it is not at all dangerous to have a lens under your upper lid, usually it does not even hurt. At best it is a nuisance, nothing more.

Also know that your lids are attached to your eye, so the lens can not get lost behind your eye, in your brain, or up in your forehead. Let me repeat that, a contact lens can never get lost behind your eye and go in to your brain. It is impossible and will never happen.

So how do you get a contact lens out from under your upper lid? There are two basic techniques depending on what style of lens you are wearing. Removing a Soft Contact Lens From Under Your Upper Lid: 1) Look all the way down towards your nose. 2) Close your eyes. 3) Place one finger over your lid at the inside corner of your eye(near your nose) 4) gently rub in one direction, towards your ear, along the globe of your eye under your brow. 5) Open your eye and notice you have pushed out from under your upper lid. 6) remove the lens.

That's it, it's that simple. If the lens did not come out, hold your upper lid out of the way to see if it is still there. If you see it, repeat the previous steps. If you don't see the lens, take a break. It is highly possible the lens isn't even there anymore.

Removing a Gas Permeable Contact Lens From Under Your Upper Lid:

1) First, be over a surface where the lens will not get lost if it falls out.
2) Locate the lens by holding your upper lid out of the way and look downward into a mirror. (or have a friend look)
3) Once the lens is located, lift your upper lid entirely over the lens so the entire lens is exposed.
4) Using the margin of your lid (where the lashes grow) gently push on the upper edge of the contact lens.
5) When the proper connection is made, the lens will slide freely and easily.
6) You can slide the l! ens back over the cornea, or pop it off.

Usually lenses don't get dislodged unless they are rubbed or very dry. If you find that your lenses consistently move off center, you may consider contacting your eye care provider to verify the fit and type of lens is right for you.

In general, thinner lenses tend to rub off center very easily. People who wear one day disposable lenses are most likely very familiar with fishing around for lost lenses. More substantial, high power, conventional lenses hardly ever get moved under an upper lid.

With all these tips, remember the best defense against a lens going under your upper lid is stop rubbing your eyes.

Steve Cogger is a contact lens specialist currently practicing in New York. For more great tips and tricks to improve your lens comfort and vision, visit http://www.ContactLensSuccess.com today.

Generic Cialis Let Relations Flourish

Any thing natural is exciting and sex is one of them. Sex is one of the chief ingredients in the recipe called ?Married life?. It has the power to make two people intimate without even saying a word. But at times trivial condition can shatter sexual lives, one such problem is erectile dysfunction.

Popularly termed as Impotence, Erectile Dysfunction (ED) was long considered as a bane for the healthy relationships. ED used to play havoc with men?s health. The healthy sexual relationship that had been a cause of joy for so long suddenly seemed a distant dream. Slowly but surely the couple drifted away from the long blissful relationship they once enjoyed.

The worst part was that people suffering from this problem were embarrassed to disclose it, taking it on their self esteem. Believe me one can overcome impotence easily and that to through a pill.

Sounds surprising but that?s true Generic Cialis, the generic version of the much popular drug Cialis can do wonders for you. The effectuality, safety and the active ingredients of the pill are similar to Cialis. Generic Cialis is cheaper in comparison to Cialis because the manufacturers need not spend much on manufacturing and advertisement. Being cheap and equally effective as the branded the branded version makes Generic Cialis a mass choice.

Do not let impotence threaten your healthy relationship. The pain of not being able to consummate the relationship can lead the couple to serious medical conditions. It can lead to depression which can even prove fatal for the sufferer.

Generic Cialis is available only from healthcare providers and should always be used in accordance with its approved labeling. If patients experience pain, nausea, or any other discomfort during sex they should seek medical help. The most common side effects of Generic Cialis are headache, facial flushing and upset stomach.

The conclusion of this information is to boost enough confidence in men that their sex problems are easily curable lest they show! some gu ts to talk to a physician or even their partner. Simply stating that an open and supportive mind is all that is required in such cases.

The author is an amateur writer focusing primarily on health related topics or on the health related research findings. For more information on Viagra, visit http://www.eugenerics.com

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 18 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

Hepatitis C Virus

Hepatitis C is one of the seven types of hepatitis, a disease that takes on many forms and features inflammation of the liver. Although this type does not reveal many signs or symptoms, there are various treatments that can be used to cure this disease, one of which is a combination of interferon alfa injections and ribavirin capsules. But for mild hepatitis C, doctors will recommend bed rest, a healthy diet, and some medications after diagnosis.

Hepatitis C is diagnosed through a blood test to determine the severity of the disease. In the case of chronic hepatitis, the illness can be assessed through a tissue sample from the liver. Aside from this, there are many other tests for liver function that can be conducted to determine to what extent the liver is affected by the hepatitis C virus.

In 1989, investigators at Chiron, Inc., discovered the hepatitis C virus, better known as HCV. This is an enveloped, single-stranded, positive sense RNA virus of the Hepacivirus genus and Flaviviridae family. This virus binds to receptors, the CD81 and Scavenger Receptor class b1, on liver tissue when circulating in the bloodstream. Based on genetic differences, HCV is classified into six genotypes that can be transmitted by blood contact. Unlike hepatitis A and B, there is no vaccine for hepatitis C. But there are available treatments that may vary depending on the HCV genotype.

In spite of the discovery of HCV, much experimentation should still be done in order to come up with drugs to better treat this disease. Even with the development of excellent diagnostic methods, the production of specific drugs that work against HCV is yet to come. But with the advancement in science and technology, they soon will be discovered.

Hepatitis C provides detailed information on Hepatitis C, Hepatitis C Symptoms, Hepatitis C Treatments, Hepatitis C Virus and more. Hepatitis C is affiliated with Herpes Cure.

7 Reasons To Start Up With an Exercise Program

Most of us need to follow an exercise program. This is due to the fact that just a minority of Americans exercise in a significant way. Below follows 7 good reasons to start exercising now.

1. Contributes to fat loss.

It is well documented from scientific research all over the world for many years that physical exercise contributes significantly to weight loss. I will not dwell on this issue fore it is so obvious, but just mention the simple fact that weight loss is a function of the net calorie intake.

If you burn more calories than you take in thorough nutrition, you lose weight and vice versa. When you exercise you burn more calories then when you don't. So the buttom line is: All other factors equal, the more you exercise the more weight or fat you'll lose. That's really simple.

2. Preventing Disease

The probability of developing a large number of various diseases has been proven to decrease dramatically thanks to physical exercising. These include;

heart disease




About 4/5?s of deaths caused by heart disease and cancer, are linked to life-style factors like stress and lack of physichal training. We also know that diabetes increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. This shows that many of the risk factors and diseases caused by inactivity are working together to damage your health. Don't let these ugly forces do that - start exercising today.

3. Healing or improving disease

We also know that many severe and minor diseases can be dramatically improved or even healed by doing regular exercises. These include most of the diseases I mentioned in the last paragraph. Following a workout plan regularly also decreases HDL cholesterol (bad cholestrol) levels, decreases triglyceride levels (a fat liquid that increases the risk of diabetes) and decreases blood pressure (a cause of heart attack and stroke).

Regular physical training also reduces the risk of prostate cancers for men, breast and ! uterine cancers for women, non-insulin dependent diabetes for both genders and much more. All this is scientifically proven. So, why not start your workout today?

4. Enhance your mental health

We know from many scientific studys that regular exercising leads to an increased release of endorphins in the body. These chemicals help combat depression and make us feel happier. The body releases these endorphins after only 12 minutes into the workout.

Another chemical called serotonin is increased during and after a workout session. Increased levels of serotonin in the central nervous system is associated with feelings of well-being and decreased mental depression. It also helps you feel less tired which can increase your mental alertness. It also helps you sleep better.

5. Enhance your feeling of wellness

When you are in a good shape and fit you'll feel more upbeat, and your overall mood is improved. You have experienced that you can stretch your own limits, you know you are capable to do more than before you started to exercise. This gives you a feeling of wellness that's difficult to describe.

Let's do an experiment: Do an hour of workout today; do whatever you want like walking, bicycling, swimming, jogging, running whatever. Adjust the intensity of the training so that you sweat really good. Then take a shower and sit down. Feel yourself. Now you know what I mean.

6. Increase your persistence

Regular exercising gives you more energy, which can make you more productive at home and at work. Exercise can give you new goals and a sense of purpose - you have something positive to focus on and aim for. This will increase your overall persistence and prevent the likehood of getting off track, whatever your goal is.

7. Enhance your social capabilities

Following a workout plan regularly can boost our self-esteem. It will Help you look better and you will be more confortable with your own company. Exercise helps you to get active and meet new people, w! hich pre vents you from feeling isolated and unsupported. It even increases your interest in sex, and can improve your marriage or your partner relationship.

So, after knowing all this - all the positive things exercise and workout can do for you - do you have any reason to remain inactive? Come on, get active today. You deserve it.

Terje Brooks Ellingsen is a writer and internet marketer. He runs the website 11-Weight-Loss.net. Terje enjoys to give advice and help people with workout plans and fitness programs

วันพุธที่ 17 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

What Can You Learn About Getting In Shape From A Terrorist?

Since September 12th, 2001, the U.S has been kicking major butt overseas.

The country of Iraq has become a free and democratic nation, more U.S. soliders have made it home safely, and more and more countries are inspired by our actions.

But why is the war still going on?

I?ll tell you why: There is no give-up in an terrorist?s eyes.

Think about it. These individuals have no chance of winning - EVER.

They?re outgunned (we have bombs smarter than some of our political leaders), outmanned at least 1,000 to one, better technology, faster jets, we maintain our equipment better, and most importantly, our people are taken much better care of.

So why do they persist?

That?s a darn good question.

I?ve never spoken to one, and I?ve never interviewed one, and I honestly don?t like them, but you have to tip your hat to that resolve that they never give up.

Remember the military bombing campaign, ?SHOCK AND AWE?? Remember the live news feeds of Iraq getting bombed like no tomorrow? Wouldn?t that have been enough to cause at least some of them to quit?

Yes, but still more didn?t. And they keep coming. And we keep arresting them or taking them out.

And they still won?t give up.

Honestly, I know they?ll never win. They don?t have a chance. But if you took that type of determination and applied it to your training program, how soon would it be before you had the body you wanted?

Not long at all.

It?s all about setting a goal and going for that goal without any hesistation. Put your blinders on and run like there?s no tomorrow.

Insurgents are outgunned, out-manned, out-technoed, and any shots they get on American soliders are by far LUCKY shots.

But they don?t give up. However, there are some of us who let a simple 8-hour day at work get in the way of our fitness goals.

There are some of us who let a phone call deter us from training that day.

There are some of us who allow a bad decision to stop us fro! m eating correctly.

And then, there are some of us who really don?t care what happens, we?re going to hit the gym whether our boss, significant other, friends, drinking buddies, fellow gamblers, or pets care or not.

And these are the ones who make the fastest and most noticeable progress.

A little dedication goes a lot way. Remember that.

Online home fitness specialist and fitness author and author Lee Smith specializes in helping people get in shape in the comfort of their own homes. For more incredible tips and tactics like these and a free subscription to his Successful Fitness Strategies newsletter, visit http://www.howtoachieveyourfitnessgoals.com.

Quit Smoking Methods ? An Alternative Perspective

?A cigarette is a pipe with a fire at one end and a fool at the other? said Dr. Johnson in his sarcastic comment on cigarettes and smoking.

Smoking is in fact a pernicious craving for tobacco products, especially cigarettes and cigars.

An organic compound, nicotine, which is richly found in tobacco smoke, is very detrimental to your health. It is linked with various health risks. It can cause diseases of the cardiovascular system, myocardial infarction (heart attack), stroke, diseases of the respiratory tract such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) chronic bronchitis and emphysema, cancer (particularly lung cancer and cancers of the larynx and tongue), peripheral vascular disease, birth defects of pregnant smokers' offspring, Buerger's disease (thromboangiitis obliterans), impotence, and in some cases it may develop cataracts that may cause blindness.

The statement ?One thousand Americans stop smoking every day - by dying? ironically expresses the risks of smoking.

?Sooner or later, everyone stops smoking.? Major health risks can be minimized by cessation smoking. Smoking cessation means to quit smoking, but the cardinal point is how to quit smoking.

Smoking can be quitted by using nicotine-containing tobacco substitutes. Nicotine replacement therapy has been quite an effective treatment. It uses various other nicotine delivery methods to replace nicotine obtained from smoking or other tobacco usage. The nicotine patch, inhaler, nasal spray, gum, gel, and lozenge are some effective tools of NTR. Nicotine gum is a chewing gum, which delivers nicotine to the body.

Nicotine patches are also used to quit smoking. Nicotine patches are transdermal patches that release nicotine into the skin. The patch therapy has been considerably successful in helping many people quit.

Hypnosis Stop-Smoking programs are another alternative that can help people who seriously want to quit.

Quit smoking help with hypnosis involves consultations and sittings with a h! ypnother apist, who generally squeezes out the reasons for one?s smoking and the reasons for wanting to quit. Various hypnotherapy techniques, positive affirmations, and suggestions, are used to help the patient undertake a change of mindset and therefore quit smoking. Tools like stop smoking tapes or CDs are provided to the patient. Quit smoking hypnosis therapy is also proving to be a great quit smoking support.

The best way to quit smoking is to develop a strong will power to want to quit smoking. People who have weak will power cannot quit smoking. Weak will power can make even the effective therapies useless.

James I of England expressed his hate for smoking while he quoth, ?A custom loathsome to the eye, hateful to the nose, harmful to the brain, dangerous to the lungs, and in the black, stinking fume thereof nearest resembling the horrible Stygian smoke of the pit that is bottomless.?

Smoking is not only injurious to health but rather to society also. It should be eradicated as early as possible.

Paul MacIver writes articles on a variety of topics. For further information on successful stop smoking methods visit How to Quit Smoking You may freely reprint this article as long as nothing is changed, this resource box is included and all links are intact.

วันอังคารที่ 16 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

Lingzhi A Miracle Herb For Peak Health

The secret of success is knowing how to deal with your body to maintain peak health condition. The dictum Health is Wealth hold more truth in the modern context than ever before.

While medical science has progressed what one could ever imagine, in treating disorders and disease, the real challenge lies in prevention. Modern medicine has succeeded in treating major disease it has not found a perfect system for prevention of dreaded diseases like cancer and HIV.

The answer lies in looking to a system which is natural sustainable and adaptable for all conditions and all body systems.

This has now led to extensive research in Herbs as the primary preventive source and healthy herbal and organic food products now take the lead in preventive systems.

The king of Herbs as it is known in China and Celestial Herb in Japan is Ganoderma. It is also known as Lingzhi in China and Reishi in Japan.

Lingzhi is now widely researched across the globe by many universities and research institutions and sterling work has been done by China and Japan.

Revered for thousands of years and shrouded in mystery, Lingzhi however was difficult to grow. After much research in 1970 a breakthrough was achieved in commercial cultivation. Still it remains rare and cultivated in few countries like China, Japan, Malaysia and Korea to name a few.

DXN a company from Malaysia remains in the forefront of bringing the benefits of the Lingzhi to the common man. More details at http://globalhealthnetwork.tripod.com

The Magic Effects of Ganoderma

Research is still going on and scientists have discovered 252 active components beneficial and essential to the human body. It is an adaptogen which brings immense benefits to human body without any side effect.

Analysis and experiments done by various universities and pharmaceutical manufacturers have attested to its being a hemocatharsis, detoxificant,diuretic, liver protector, intestine regulator, cardiotonic, blood pressure adjuste! r, a col d tonic, expectorant, a tranquilizer and inhibits tumour and cancerous growth.

What is the Healing Principle of Ganoderma

Many clinical trials and experiments by doctors, especially Dr. Shigeru Yuji?s experiments has established the reasons Ganoderma is effective because of its basic functions

  • Lowers cholesterol in the blood and the amount of free fat
  • Reduces blood sugar levels and helps pancreatic functions
  • Lowers blood lipids and stabilizes red cell membrane
  • Improves the function of the cortex of the adrenal glands to maintain endocrine balance
  • Elevates the natural healing ability of the body, allows the body to establish strong immune system
  • Prevents tissue cell degeneration
  • Prevents senility, maintaining a youthful constitution
  • Lowers the side effects of antihypertensive drugs
  • Prevents organ degenetation
  • Prevents allergy caused by antigens, because it inhibits the histamine release by mastcells
  • Relieves pain caused by cancer

While plenty of medical terminology is used to describe various effects on the body, we have avoided such references as the article is not meant as a medical prescription but mainly for use by the common man as an effective health giving food supplement.

Main Health Giving Components

While the Linghzhi mushrooms are said to contain 252 active medicinal compounds, the two main components are:

  • Germanium: Germanium can promote blood circulation, can increase oxygen absorbing capability of the body and keep sufficient oxygen in the body, improve metabolism and prevent functional degeneration. Based on research germanium is the major component of Lingzhi. The germanium contained in Lingzhi is 4-6 times more than ginseng.
  • Poly-saccharides: The poly saccharides can increase antibody count which strengthens immunity. Poly saccharides are the most active health enhancing ingredient for the body.
  • No wo! nder the Lingzhi mushrooms are called the ?Celestial Herb? by the Japanese for its health giving properties. Modern science and cultivation methods have made this difficult to grow herb available for the past decade or two for everyone to derive the benefits.

    While there are thousands of research papers available on the medicinal aspects of the Lingzhi this article primarily is to highlight the health giving aspects of this wonderful herbal remedy for ills of the modern living like stress, pollution and imbalances in food habits.

    About The Author

    R.G. Srinivasan is professional Soft Skills Trainer, Author and a network marketing leader. He is passionate about alternate healing therapies and writes on these subjects regularly. He is a practitioner of Bach flower therapy and Ganotherapy. You can find out more about the availability of Reishi ganoderma and articles on health and wellness at http://globalhealthnetwork.tripod.com