Holistic Health For Life

วันเสาร์ที่ 25 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551

How To Activate Your Immune System To Heal and Protect Your Body

In our technologically advanced society, why have the advocates of traditional medicine not found a cure for the common cold?

The reason is that the common cold is not the problem; it is only the effect or symptom of the underlying problem.

And what is the underlying problem?


Dr. Bruce Lipton, a cellular biologist at Stanford University Medical School, clinically proved in landmark research in 1998 that 95% of all our illnesses are caused by stress.

And why have the practioners and researchers of traditional medicine failed to realize that?

The reason is that the supporters of traditional medicine still maintain that the universe is material at its core; and therefore they continue to treat the symptoms rather than the invisible causes because the symptoms are material and palpable. And they continue to do so 81 years after physicists discovered in 1925 that atoms were made out of energy. So if energy makes atoms, and atoms make molecules, and molecules make cells, and cells make us, then we, too, are energy.

The supporters of traditional medicine have also been wrong about what causes stress. Stress is not caused by our external environment; stress is caused by what we perceive our external environment to be. For example, darkness may cause stress in one person; whereas it has no affect on another person.

Our autonomic nervous systems are our bodies' control center for stress. Our autonomic nervous systems are divided into the parasympathetic nervous systems and the sympathetic nervous systems.

Our parasympathetic nervous systems control our bodies' involuntary functions such as our immune systems, digestive systems, cardiovascular systems, neurological systems, and reproductive systems. During this normal body functioning, our cells are in a growth mode and our bodies' immune systems are healing our bodies.

Our sympathetic nervous systems are activated when we perceive danger, whether real or imagined; and that perception of danger ! causes o ur stress. As our bodies ready themselves for immediate physical activity, they are now in a fight or flight mode. Our sympathetic nervous systems send adrenalin, glucose, and oxygen to our organs most active in warding off danger. Our cells now shift from a growth mode to a self-protection mode. And when our cells are in a self-protection mode, our immune systems shut down and are no longer available to heal our bodies. But when stress disappears, our autonomic nervous systems automatically shift our cells back into growth mode; and our immune systems are available again to heal our bodies. Our bodies are now in homeostasis or normal body functioning.

But what happens if stress remains in our bodies? If stress remains in our bodies, whether or not we are conscious of it, our cells remain in a self-protection mode, and illness, disease, and disorder manifests.

So how do we eradicate stress from our bodies? How do we return our cells to growth mode? How do we activate our immune systems to again heal and protect our bodies?

We do this by healing or changing our destructive pictures.

Dr. Pierce Howard in his landmark book, The Owner's Manual for the Brain, shows that all our information is stored in the form of pictures and that pictures are the primary source from which everything else flows.

So what occurs if we are burdoned with numerous destructive pictures? Our destructive pictures create wrong beliefs which in turn causes our stress; and stress, according to Dr. Lipton, is the cause of 95% of all our illnesses.

Therefore by healing or changing our destructive pictures, we can eradicate stress from our bodies, return our cells to growth mode (and according to Dr. Lipton, a cell in growth mode is healthy and impervious to disease), and activate our immune systems to again heal and protect our bodies. And that leads us to wellness, peace, happiness, and true abundance.

Click here to learn about a healing technique that will completely revolutionize the health fi! eld htt p://immune--system.blogspot.com

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